Gidariak ID edo gailuaren izena

Ezagutzen gailu: 165022367

Azken ezagutzen gidari: 23.12.2020


Overview of the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming Video Card

The NVIDIA Company continues to conquer new peaks of graphics performance. The latest high-profile novelties are video accelerators GeForce GTX 1080 Ti and Titan Xp. The second is an exclusive product with a small number manufactured and an extremely high price. But the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti will become the new flagship of mass production models which significantly raises the performance bar.

The GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is manufactured using the GP102 GPU based on the Pascal architecture. This chip has previously become the basis for the super-powerful solution of Titan X (Pascal), and recently released even faster Titan Xp. The GP102 processor consists of six graphic clusters of five SM multiprocessors.


In its full configuration, the GP102 has 3840 CUDA stream processors and 240 texture units. The memory bandwidth is increased to 384 bits due to 12 memory controllers. The crystal is produced on the basis of 16-nm process technology and has 12 billion …

Intel Debuts with the 7th-Generation Core CPUs

Intel announces the next, 7th generation of Intel Core processors, aka Intel Kaby Lake. The Intel U and the Intel Y series models were the first to debut. Each series involves three models, based on 14 nm Intel Skylake microarchitecture. Optimized design promises 12% increase in performance, if compared with the 6th-gen solutions.

New Intel Core CPUs are known to support 10-bit HEVC & VP9 standards which ensure high-quality operation in 4K Ultra HD and 4K Ultra HD 360 environments. All greenhorns come with an integrated Intel Speed Shift technology which secures fast responsiveness on web surfing. Besides, all models are considered to be power efficient; they increase laptop’s/ultrabook’s battery life to 9.5 hours, when watching 4K video content.

Intel Core 7th generation processors support PCI Express 3.0 internal interface as well as NVMe & Thunderbolt 3 interfaces. More details about each CPU are provided below.

Intel Core i3-7100U features the following …

Asus Teases Turbo GeForce GTX 1080 Videocard

Asus has just introduced Turbo GeForce GTX 1080 videocard with etalon frequencies & a modified cooler. The model is developed on Nvidia GP104-400 GPU (2560 CUDA, 160 TMUs, 64 ROPs) that operates at 1607/1733 MHz frequency. The integrated GDDR5 memory (8 GB, 256-bit interface, 320 Gb/sec bandwidth) runs at 10 GHz frequency.

The card is coated in a dark-gray cover with logo illumination. The PCB is designed with the help of Auto-Extreme technology as well as Super Alloy Power II hardware. The other peculiar feature is a totally revamped cooling system. As distinct from the etalon model, the Turbo version employs a single fan, based on dual ball-bearings, which pushes hot air away from the GPU.

The greenhorn comes equipped with a pair of HDMI ports for the connection of various devices, including VR-helmets. There are also DVI-D and DisplayPort 1.4 ports. The PCB features a single 8-pin power connector. Asus Turbo GeForce GTX 1080 supports GPU Tweak II & Xsplit Gamecaster …

Network services & protocols WS, eredu zerrenda

Aukeratu eredua zure Network services & protocols from enpresaren WS zerrenda 54321 ereduak aurkeztu orri honetan. Gure datu-basean baino gehiago 654963 gidariak bertan deskargatu ahal izango duzu, erabat dohainik.

Elkarrekintza ordenagailu batean LAN, eta beren Internet konexioa ez litzateke posible izango berezirik gabe sareko zerbitzuak. Zerbitzu horiek ematen arteko datu-trukea makinak, ematen urruneko sarbidea ekipamendu eta, fitxategiak kokatuta dago edozein PC sarean, eta baimendu egin nahi duzu, hainbat online eragiketak (adibidez, emailak bidaliz, antolatzeko, bideo, etab.). Sortzeko, hala nola, sare bat, lehen behar duzu deskargatu gidariak sareko zerbitzuak eta protokoloak.

Erabili ezaugarri guztiak (zerbitzuak) emandako sare zerbitzu bat PC bat gomendatzen da bezeroa instalatu zerbitzua. Zerbitzu bera ez izan daiteke hainbat bezero datoz funtzionalitatea eta interfazea. Sartzean, zerbitzari edozein eskaera bat bezero bat erabiltzen berariazko Protokoloa (arau zerbitzari zerbitzua).

Ezartzeko Protokoloa berezi bat arduratzen gailu – bideratzaile. Bere zeregin nagusia da konbinatu sare bereizi bat sartu bakar composite sare emateko partekatu datuak sartzeko. Datuak transferitzeko router bat erabiltzen du hainbat ibilbide posible (a sekuentzia hori gainditu behar du, datuak pakete bide on batetik bidaltzailea helmuga nodoa). Router bat zehazten optimoa ibilbidea, kontuan hartuta, besteak beste, irizpide gisa denbora igarotzea ibilbide bat eta kalitatea konexioa.

Lehendik dauden zerbitzuak burutzen dira, bi modutan: sareko sistema eragilea (fitxategi-zerbitzua eta inprimatu zerbitzu) eta sistema apps/tresnak (datu-baseak, faxak). Konfiguratu bakoitzaren banakako zerbitzua ohikoa da erabili, gidarien sare zerbitzuak eta protokoloak.

Horrez gain, ez dira banakako zerbitzuak, baina ez ohiko erabiltzaile eta sistema-administratzaileak. Erabiltzen dira antolatzeko lan bat tokiko sare osoan bezala, baita sistema jarraipen, sareko trafikoa aztertzeko, administrazio erabiltzaile-kontuak eta beste eragiketak bereziki.

Herri-gidari kategoria Network services & protocols WS