Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Galax Unleashes GeForce GTX 970 and 980 HOF Graphics Cards

Galax, the company created due to a merger of Galaxy and KFA2, entered the market with a couple of new graphics solutions: the GeForce GTX 970 HOF and the GeForce GTX980 HOF cards. Both greenhorns are intended for enthusiasts longing for the best overclocking potential. Thus, they offer dual BIOS support for safe modification of key parameters and a pair of advanced utilities: Hyper Boost and Voltage Tool.

Galax GeForce GTX 970 HOF and 980 HOF models are powered by Nvidia GM204 GPU (Maxwell generation) with a striking factory overclocking index. Therewith, GTX 970 HOF runs at 1216 MHz (nominal) and 1380 MHz (dynamic) frequencies instead of etalon 1051 MHz/1178 MHz ones. In its turn, GTX 980 HOF operates at 1304 MHz (nominal) and 1418 MHz (dynamic) frequencies instead of reference 1126 MHz/1216 MHz ones. Moreover, the manufacturer swears that this couple is able to overclock up to 1.5 GHz frequency on air cooling and up to 2.1 GHz frequency on liquid cooling.

The GeForce GTX …

ASUS ROG Maximus IX Extreme – The Freshest Review of the Extreme Motherboard


ASUS being the largest manufacturer of PCs, components and other electronics, does not stop pleasing its fans. Every year, and even more often, we see new, sometimes revolutionary products that other companies can not even repeat. The second quarter of 2017 was not an exception, the range of ASUS was replenished with a large number of new components. And this time ASUS introduced the motherboard under the familiar name, but completely new in terms of performance and configuration. The novelty is called ASUS ROG Maximus IX Extreme. The high-end motherboard with the widest possibilities, moreover with a water block in the complete set!

Yes, it’s true, a motherboard completed by a water block. And it is not from some little known company, but a time-tested and world-famous manufacturer - the company Bitspower. So fans of custom water cooling systems will definitely be satisfied!

The water block is cool, but it's not all surprises for you that ASUS …

Promising Speed Forecasts for AMD Radeon 8000 Sea Islands

AMD is continuing its work on the new GPU generation codenamed ‘Sea Islands’. The new series is prognosticated to be released in the coming winter. All the products with this GPU will be branded Radeon 8000. AMD manufacturers claim that their new graphic processing units will be 40% more efficient due to the implemented advanced technologies. There is not so much news about the future GPU architecture, although cardinal changes are barely possible.

Sea Islands chips will be equipped with 5.1 billion transistors as compared with the current 4.3 billion items applied in the products. This augmentation will facilitate the increment of efficiency. The chips will be developed according to the already tried-and-proven 28 nm technological requirements. The increase of transistors is not as large due to the adherence to the ascribed norms. It should be underlined that the implementation of the old technologies does not imply the considerable warming up of the chips; the developments …

Keyboards, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Keyboards-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Keyboards mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Keyboards

It-terminu "desktop tal-KOMPJUTER" ħafna minna-medja tal - ensemble ta'l-unità tas-sistema, il-monitoraġġ u t-tastiera. Dan ta'l-aħħar hija l-kontribut ewlieni tal-apparat ta'l-informazzjoni u l-aktar manipulazzjoni mill-utent għall-kompjuter. Essenzjalment il-tastiera huwa l-kit li jinsabu b'mod organizzat vleġġa. Iżda l-kostruttiv-disinn ta'dan il-kit jistgħu jkunu l-aktar inkonċepibbli.

Minkejja l-ġid tal-disinn s-soluzzjonijiet, kollha ppreżentati fuq is-suq tat-tastiera jistgħu jinqasmu bil-fili u bla fili (tip konnessjoni), membrana, imqass u mekkaniku (bħal ir-ritorn ewlieni). L-interazzjoni ta'l-input ta'l-apparat ta'kwalunkwe tip mas-sistema ta responsabbli mill-muturi għat-tastiera.

Konnessjoni tat-tip

Wireline PS/2 u USB it-tastiera tal-jieħdu l-ikbar sehem tas-suq. L-ewwel "baġit" it-tip ta'tagħmir huwa konness mal-xieraq konnekter fuq id-dahar/quddiem il-unità tas-sistema; huwa adattat għal kważi t-tipi kollha tal-sistemi. - Tagħmir mal - USBkonnessjoni jgħaqqdu direttament lejn min jipproċessa minn bil-fili bus.

Bla fili keyboards huma ġibed, primarjament, għall l-portabbiltà tagħha u ergonomija. Kif jimplika l-isem, l-apparat tal-konnessjoni li l-PC permezz tal-konnessjoni bla fili. Dan jista'jkun il-konnessjoni Bluetooth, IR- konnessjoni jew RF-konnessjoni. L-aktar popolari l-mudelli ta ' l-ewwel tip, peress li jipprovdu firxa kbira, iżda l-mudelli mal-frekwenza tar-radju-offerta tal-konnessjoni eċċellenti tal-mobilità meta tuża.

L-ritorn it-tip ta'l-ċwievet

It-tastiera tal-membrana hija probabbilment l-aktar aċċessibbli mill-proposti eżistenti. Fid-disinn tagħhom juża flessibbli tal-membrana li, meta ppressata, jagħlaq il-kuntatti fuq il-ċirkwit-Bord, li jwettqu l-azzjoni speċifikata. Minkejja l-appell viżwali u l-aċċessibbiltà għal kull but tal-konsumatur, l-membrana tal-mudelli qasir ħajja (sa 5 miljun klikks), mill-jitilfu l-elastiċità, li twassal għal viżjoni temporanjament imċajpra/neprostoy vleġġa. Sabiex ittawwal il-ħajja tas-servizz ta'l-apparat u sabiex tiżgura l-operazzjoni effettiva, jeħtieġ li tniżżel l-muturi għat-tastiera.

Imqass keyboards huma pożizzjonament lilhom infushom bħala-membrana, iżda ma mekkaniżmu mtejba. Huma joffru aktar ċari tikklikkja, inqas ewlenin ta'l-ivvjaġġar u żieda fir-riżorsi tal-pressjonijiet (sa 10 miljun darbiet), meta mqabbel mal-mudell ta'hawn fuq.

Mekkanika-tastiera – l-qodma-time fis-suq tal-kompjuter periferali. Iżda minkejja dan, dawn huma kkunsidrati bħala l-aktar affidabbli u dejjiema, li jiggarantixxu sa 50 miljun tipi oħra. Id-disinn mekkaniku jiżgura l-intoppi u l-preċiżjoni tal-viti, kif ukoll il-xebh tal-mess sensazzjonijiet matul il-ħajja tal-prodott.


Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Keyboards