Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Buffalo Announces HD-PCFU3-C Wearables

Buffalo Technology is about to release its newest line of wearable hard drives. Codenamed HD-PCFU3-C, the products will be available in three capacity versions: 500 GB, 1 TB, and 2 TB. All of them allow as pure black so pure white exterior design. The models will be backed by 1 year limited warranty.

The Buffalo HD-PCFU3-C external HDs are housed in solid aluminum cases and equipped with a high-speed USB 3.0 interface. The latter might be used both for data transfer as well as charge-in purposes; put it otherwise, the user will be saved from the necessity to buy an additional AC adaptor.

Pricewise, the cheapest solutions are 500 GB HD-PCF500U3-BC and HD-PCF500U3-WC with the price tag of $90. The HD-PCF1.0U3-BWC and HD-PCF1.0U3-BBC of 1 TB capacity will cost about $110, whereas their senior companions, the PCF2.0U3-GBC and HD-PCF2.0U3-GWC of 2 TB capacity, will go as high as $165. Shipping is to start in early January 2015.

Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi Cooling System Is a Modified Version of Cryorig H7 with a Higher Number of Heat Pipes and New Fans

Almost a year ago the Cryorig company announced H7 Quad Lumi, its new CPU cooling system; and at present this product is going to the market. This specialty is a modified version of Cryorig H7 cooling system, though, it is designed with a higher number of heat pipes and new fans.

H7 Quad Lumi is equipped with an RGB LED-lighting of the cooler base and logo on the heatsink cover. The NZXT CAM utility allows adjusting colour and operation mode of the backlighting, as well as regulating the fans rotary speed.

The Cryorig cooling system includes four nickel-plated copper heat pipes (6 mm in diameter), a nickelized copper base and an aluminium heatsink. Radiator fins are curved to form a cell structure. A 120 mm fan operates at the 300–1600 rpm and 10–25 dBA, producing the 49 CFM air flow. Please note, that the fan has the white LED-lighting.

According to the manufacturer, H7 Quad Lumi is compatible with all up-to-date Intel and AMD CPU connectors and processing units …

MSI Adds a Pair of GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G Graphics Cards to Its Portfolio

It feels as if MSI never stops experimenting with its PC solutions. This time the company decided to tinker with color gamut of the graphics cards. Therewith, it introduced a couple of comic-colored video cards, entitled GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G & GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G OC. The black-and-gray coating might become a stylish add-on to any gaming rig.

Both video cards are based on Nvidia GP104-200 GPU (16 FinFET, Pascal) with 1920 CUDA, 120 TMUs & 64 ROPs. The models are able to operate in three modes: Silent, Gaming and OC; hence, the core’s clock frequencies depend on the mode. MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G operates at 1506/1683 MHz (base/dynamic) in Silent mode; 1518/1708 MHz in Gaming mode and 1531/1721 MHz in OC mode. The accompanying 8 GB of GDDR5 video memory (256-bit) runs equally on any conditions – 8008 MHz.

In its turn, MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver 8G OC is able to demonstrate the following performance index: 1506/1683 MHz in …

Fireware devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Fireware devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Fireware devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Fireware devices

Standard Fireware (IEEE 1394) – metodu tat-trażmissjoni ta'l-informazzjoni f'format diġitali permezz ta'serje ta'veloċità għolja bus. Fl-aktar każi, dan l-istandard huwa użat għall-komunikazzjoni bejn il-kompjuter u l-tagħmir għall-rekord/daqq-vidjo u awdjo.

Tagħha ta'veloċità għolja tal-prestazzjoni Fireware huwa qrib il-prestazzjoni ta'l-ilqugħ tal-USB verżjoni 2. 0, iżda għall-kuntrarju ta'l-aħħar, jippermettilek li jgħaqqdu fl-istess ħin bdwar l -akbar kwantità ta'apparati (sa 60!). Biex tiġi żgurata l-funzjonalità tal kollha konnessi tagħmir għajnuna mutur għall - Fireware - mezzi.

Il-vantaġġi ewlenin ta'l-bus IEEE 1394 jistgħu jiġu attribwiti għall-relattivament baxx-ispiża ta'l-integrazzjoni, pjuttost malajr trasferiment tad-data, u l-konnettività tal-mezzi fil - "jaħraq" l-modalità Plagg-u l-play. Dan il-mod tippermetti li jgħaqqdu/skonnettja-apparat fi kwalunkwe ħin (anki meta jkun hemm skambju tal-informazzjoni) mingħajr biża'ta'telf jew ta'żbalji fid-data. Barra minn hekk, Fireware jipprovdi trasferiment tad-data u l-provvista tal-enerġija permezz tal-kejbil uniku.

Jekk inti konnessjoni tagħmir tal-kompjuter naqsu li jirrikonoxxu li, allura għandek tniżżel il-sewwieqa għall - Fireware - tagħmir, jew jaġġorna l-antikwati. Dan se jeħtieġ dirett l-aċċess għall-Internet.

Normalment dawn l-apparati jiġu mal-separati disk, li fih kollha meħtieġa għall-xogħol effettiv s-sewwieqa. Jekk dan ikun nieqes jew is-softwer ma tissodisfax ir-rekwiżiti tal-OS attwali, mexxi l-aġġornament permezz ta'apparat tal-President.


Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Fireware devices