Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Corsair ML120 PRO RGB Fan: The wind plays its own music



Corsair has expanded the range of case fans with the ML-Magnetic Levitation series, the main feature of which is a bearing based on magnetic levitation technology. It was developed with the participation of specialists from the space agency NASA. The principle of operation is based on the use of magnets that hold the rotating part of the fan above the motor. As a result, they do not touch and friction between them is practically absent. Thanks to this, the average failure time of such fans was increased to 200,000 hours, and allows them to function at higher rotational speeds than conventional fans.


The new line is presented in three variations: ML, ML Pro and ML Pro LED. ML Pro models differ from simple ML with the presence of antivibration rubber corners, and ML Pro LED also boasts LED backlighting. The latter will be available in white, blue and red colors. Corsair is so confident in the perfection of new fans that it extends the factory …

PSU Enhance EPS-1780GA4 800W Review

EPS-1700 series consists of six PSU models of 600W-1200W power efficiency. All units, without exception, can boast the correspondence to 80Plus Gold standard and the usage of high-quality Japanese capacitors in their framework. The operating temperature range varies from 0 to 40 degrees, depending upon conditions. PSU model EPS-1780GA4 800W cannot boast unique design, but is totally ready to cope with all set tasks due to the implemented power, reliability and potential.

General Peculiarities

EPS-1780GA4 800W is delivered in a large cardbox realized in black and goldish colors. The latter is predominant on a package to comply with the demands of 80Plus Gold products. The model is characterized by a quite typical design with a black casing, a black fan, and a black ventilation grid. There are no arty-crafty elements or eye-catching add-ons, but it will definitely catch the fancy of minimalists and practical customers. All essential PSU parameters are indicated on a delivery …

The GIGABYTE Z370N WIFI Motherboard Allows to Assemble a High-Functioning System in the Space Saving Framework

While planning to build a productive system in a compact framework, one should look closely at the new GIGABYTE Z370N WIFI motherboard. This card is of Mini-ITX size and has the following dimensions: 170 x 170 mm. The novelty is based on the Intel Z370 chipset for the 8th generation (Socket LGA1151) Intel Core processors.

Owners of this card will benefit from two DIMM slots supporting the DDR4-4400 mem, a pair of M.2 Socket 3 interfaces, four SATA 6 gb/s ports for drives arranging, and one full-rate PCI Express 3.0 x16 slot for a graphics accelerator connection. Besides, they will get a 7.1-channel Realtek ALC1220 audio codec, a couple of gigabit Intel LAN controllers and a module of 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.2. wireless interfaces. Among external connectivity options we may distinguish two HDMI, one DisplayPort, six USB 3.1 Gen 1, one USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-C and two RJ45 ports. Three audio jacks are also present.

The product’s advantages include the Smart Fan 5 …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Fireware devices mill-kumpanija Pinnacle mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

Standard Fireware (IEEE 1394) – metodu tat-trażmissjoni ta'l-informazzjoni f'format diġitali permezz ta'serje ta'veloċità għolja bus. Fl-aktar każi, dan l-istandard huwa użat għall-komunikazzjoni bejn il-kompjuter u l-tagħmir għall-rekord/daqq-vidjo u awdjo.

Tagħha ta'veloċità għolja tal-prestazzjoni Fireware huwa qrib il-prestazzjoni ta'l-ilqugħ tal-USB verżjoni 2. 0, iżda għall-kuntrarju ta'l-aħħar, jippermettilek li jgħaqqdu fl-istess ħin bdwar l -akbar kwantità ta'apparati (sa 60!). Biex tiġi żgurata l-funzjonalità tal kollha konnessi tagħmir għajnuna mutur għall - Fireware - mezzi.

Il-vantaġġi ewlenin ta'l-bus IEEE 1394 jistgħu jiġu attribwiti għall-relattivament baxx-ispiża ta'l-integrazzjoni, pjuttost malajr trasferiment tad-data, u l-konnettività tal-mezzi fil - "jaħraq" l-modalità Plagg-u l-play. Dan il-mod tippermetti li jgħaqqdu/skonnettja-apparat fi kwalunkwe ħin (anki meta jkun hemm skambju tal-informazzjoni) mingħajr biża'ta'telf jew ta'żbalji fid-data. Barra minn hekk, Fireware jipprovdi trasferiment tad-data u l-provvista tal-enerġija permezz tal-kejbil uniku.

Jekk inti konnessjoni tagħmir tal-kompjuter naqsu li jirrikonoxxu li, allura għandek tniżżel il-sewwieqa għall - Fireware - tagħmir, jew jaġġorna l-antikwati. Dan se jeħtieġ dirett l-aċċess għall-Internet.

Normalment dawn l-apparati jiġu mal-separati disk, li fih kollha meħtieġa għall-xogħol effettiv s-sewwieqa. Jekk dan ikun nieqes jew is-softwer ma tissodisfax ir-rekwiżiti tal-OS attwali, mexxi l-aġġornament permezz ta'apparat tal-President.

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