Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Motherboard Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 Review

Motherboards based on Intel Z77 chip have been lately given much attention, to the detriment of products featuring AMD solutions. In fact, motherboards with AMD chips are in abundance in the market, providing a competitive conditions for the manufacturers and plentiful offers for potential consumers. Asus developed a lot of boards with Intel Z77 chip, but it also boasts the products, like Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0, based on AMD 990FX chip for AM3+ socket. This model is an apt sample of performance, resources and design.


Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 is developed in ATX form-factor and features 305x244 mm dimensions. The motherboard accommodates five sockets for the connection of fans and large heatsinks which manage heat quite efficiently; heatsinks located on the northbridge and CPU power converter are joined by a heat pipe. There is one peculiar feature pertained to the implemented heatsinks: each of them is notable by an individual fixture type. The reverse side of the …

Meet New Landking Mid-Tower Chassis from Deepcool

Deepcool, known initially as the provider of prime-class cooling solutions, decided to gladden its fan audience by the release of a new mid-tower case, entitled Landking. The new-comer is targeting ATX, mini-ITX and micro-ATX mainboards, expansion cards of up to 280 mm in length, and CPU coolers of up to 165 mm in height. The chassis is made of steel with plastic inclusions, differentiated by a stylish silver coloring.

Deepcool Landking features 512x218x515 mm dimensions and weighs 6.67 kg. Its internal layout is sufficient for the installation of eight expansion cards, three 5.25-inch drives, five 3.5-inch drives, and a pair of 2.5-inch drives. The frontal I/O panel offers two USB 3.0 ports as well as two 3.5 mm mini-jacks; they are accompanied by two USB 2.0 ports and a dedicated dock for SATA interface.

To continue, the chassis offers nice opportunities for the organization of a highly-efficient cooling system. Hence, it accommodates four vacancies for the installation …

SilentiumPC Launches a Sleek Gladius M35 Pure Black Chassis

SilentiumPC, a renowned designer of top-notch coolers & other hardware components, enters the market with a new creation – a mid-tower chassis, entitled Gladius M35 Pure Black. As the name implies, the case, featuring 486x502x200 mm dimensions, boasts purely black exterior and interior layout. The retail price makes up $55.

SilentiumPC Gladius M35 Pure Black is targeting as mini-ITX so full-format ATX systems. The chassis is made of a high-quality Japanese steel with matted coating as well as ABS plastic. The front panel is distinguished by a perforated finish. The top facet accommodates I/O panel with USB 3.0, USB 2.0 and 3.5 mm audio ports.

The internal layout is estimated for the installation of two 5.25-inch drives, four 3.5-inch drives, and a pair of 2.5-inch drives. All bays are equipped with a dedicated anti-vibration system. As far as expansion facilities are concerned, the case offers 7 slots for PCI cards. The available room is enough for 415 mm long graphics …

Infrared devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Infrared devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Infrared devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Infrared devices

It-teknoloġija IR (infra-aħmar, IR) konnessjonijiet huma maħsuba għall-installazzjoni stabbli bla fili konnessjoni bejn il-PC u t-tagħmir mgħammra IR-portijiet. Attwalment, din it-teknoloġija mhux popolari ħafna, minħabba li l-limiti tal-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni ta'informazzjoni u l-radju żgħir ta'azzjoni. Madankollu, is-segment tal-kompjuter u l-elettronika professjonali soluzzjonijiet sħiħa mal-infra-konnessjoni: printers, scanners, telefowns ċellulari, web Camera, sorveljanza bil-vidjo-tagħmir, eċċ.

IR-mezzi normalment huma mgħammra speċjali tal-port li jippermettilek li faċilment jgħaqqdu l-ieħor ppermettiet l-apparat. Min-naħa tagħhom, il-desktop/laptop jirrikjedi l-installazzjoni ta'dan il-port. Għall-konfigurazzjoni u stabbli-tħaddim, l-użu tas-sewwieq għat IR - mezzi.

Hemm tliet modi biex jgħaqqdu l-IR il-port tal-kompjuter: il-konnekter IrDA fuq l-għoli (pjuttost kkumplikata mill-punt tekniku) l-konnekter COM jew l-bus - USB (l-aħjar għażla).

Għandu jiġi nnutat li l-wavelength IR- port ma jistax jaqbeż 900 nm. Din il-figura tistabbilixxi limiti stretti fuq il-parti tal-ħidma tal-distanza bejn iż-żewġ infra-aħmar-apparat 1 metru. Inkella, it-teknoloġija se falter. Biex tiżgura l-konnessjoni stabbli huwa rakkomandat li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall IR - tagħmir, u neħħi l-oġġetti barranin bejn iż-żewġ portijiet.


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