ID yoki qurilmaning nomi bilan haydovchilar

Ma'lum qurilma: 165022367

Oxirgi ma'lum haydovchi: 23.12.2020


Acer Launches a Universal Desktop PC Series Veriton L

Acer announces the release of a new PC series Veriton L intended for home-based purposes, as well as, business use. This series is developed with reliability, good functionality, and security measures in mind. The series is represented by two models (Veriton L4 and Veriton L6) which are called to ensure high-end performance, good controllability and heightened security without a bunch of additional elements. Advanced performance is achieved due to the implementation of Intel Core processors of the third generation and Intel HD Graphics system.

Both models of Acer Veriton L are delivered in rather compact dimensions where the physical volume of the casing equals to three liters. A dedicated Ergo-Stand maximizes the spaciousness on the desk and enlarges the possibilities for corporate use. Ergo-Stand is compatible with 4-inch wide-screen monitors of up to 5 kg in weight. It makes the ergonomics of the desktop PC more efficient by offering multiple adjustment opportunities: …

Rosewill Introduces PSU Line of 80 Plus Platinum Standards

Rosewill, Californian hardware manufacturer, has gladdened its potential customers with a new PSU line codenamed Fortress. The major peculiarity of this line is that all products are characterized by rather high efficiency coefficient: up to 94% in 230 V alternating current networks. The new line involves models of 450W, 550W, 650W, and 750W showings which have already received 80 Plus Platinum certificate.

Low power dissipation is achieved exactly due to the high efficiency which reduces ventilation demands immensely. The employment of 135 mm fans provided for the perceptible decreased of noise. Those features are considered to be the basic attraction for the customers.

All four models in Fortress line are developed according to a similar scheme with a single 12 V bus. The chief differentiation between the models lies in the output capacity and a cable set. Hence, the high-order PSU is capable to give current of up to 62.5 A; in the aggregate with the available 4 …

Biostar H61MU3B Offers a Universal Set of Up-to-Date Interfaces

Biostar company announces the release of a new motherboard H61MU3B – a high-end tool for the creation of compact multimedia platforms with the universal set of up-to-date interfaces. According to the words of the company’s representatives, H61MU3B is able to support the majority of Biostar functional capabilities, including Remote 2, Bio-Flasher and Bio-ReLife, Driver-Genii technologies, as well as BioScreen Utility applet. Remote 2 technology is used to manage the multimedia system with the help of Apple and Android gadgets; Bio-Flasher and Bio-ReLife technologies are used to update and reclaim Bios functional from the external USB drives; Driver Genii is used to install all necessary drivers automatically. BioScreen Utility applet enables the choice of download logo and is equipped with eHot-Line service which secures the efficient technical support.

Motherboard Biostar H61MU3B has got an enhanced framework and design. Thus, motherboard framework is furnished with the …

NAS devices Microsoft, modellari ro'yxati

Ro'yhatidan kompaniya NAS devices dan Microsoftizning s model i tanlang d modellari bu sahifada taqdim etildi. Bizning bazasida ko'proq 654963 mutlaqo bepul.yuklab olishingiz mumkin qaysi haydovchilar

Disk maydoni – dolzarb muammo yo'qligi qanday yirik kompaniyalar va yagona foydalanuvchilar hisoblanadi. Samarali muammosini hal ma'lumotlarni joylashtirish yordam tarmoq saqlash, tez-tez, deb NOS-serverlar. Ular nafaqat katta miqdorda uchun diskda joy bilan ta'minlash, balki bu oraliq barcha kompyuterlar bir tarmoqqa ulangan kirishni ta'minlash. Samarali boshqarish dasturiy ta'minot qismi ishlash imkonini beradi, bir doimiy-yangilangan haydovchi uchun NOS qurilmalar'.

Aslida, NOSserver – stend-yolg'iz mini-kompyuter deb bog'laydi uchun mahalliy tarmoq bilan o'z protsessor, RAM, sovutish tizimi, disk qator, turli controllers. Bu kompyuter qabul yakka IP -manzil, va ishlari ko'ra belgilangan Protokol. Tarmoq mijozlariga (barcha ulangan Kompyuterlari, noutbuklar, planshetlar va h. k.) o'rni kompleks apparat server bajaradi shluz orqali kirish ma'lumotlar.

NOS modellar turli namunalari va boshqa faoliyati bilan qator. Standart NOS o'rnatish disklar uchun bir yoki bir necha compartments bilan qora koson shahrida joylashgan qurilma. Barcha o'rnatilgan disklar bo'lishi mumkin birga ichiga HUJUM tillo, qaysi ta'minlash, yuqori ishlash va xavfsizlik qachon ish bilan ma'lumotlar. Bundan tashqari, eng zamonaviy saqlash inshootlari konfiguratsiya va tizimini monitoring qilish uchun displey/control panel bilan jihozlangan.

Funktsional kelsak, model uchun model boshlab bu farq qiladi. Bundan tashqari ta'minlash xizmatlari uchun saqlash va qayta ishlash, axborot, NOS-serverlar bo'lishi mumkin jihozlangan bilan controllers tarmog'i va tashqi qurilmalar torrent mijozlar paneli I/o ulagichga USB, portlar Ethernet, video ishlab chiqarish (VGA, HDMI va h. k.). Bundan tashqari, agar siz yuklab olish haydovchilar uchun NOS qurilmalar, konfiguratsiya tizimi bo'lishi mumkin qilgan holda kompyuter, rahmat to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulanish sichqoncha va klaviatura uchun I/O paneli.

Umumiy, NOSserverlar ishonchli saqlash, axborot, qulaylik ma'muriyati, ochiq kirish uchun ma'lumotlar uchun barcha ulangan Kompyuterlari va deyarli cheksiz scalability – qobiliyatini kengaytirish xotira orqali o'rnatish saqlash katta hajmlarda yoki ulanish uchun boshqa saqlash.

Mashhur toifali haydovchi NAS devices Microsoft