Like Intel, AMD Company is not protected to the release of a large number of faulty processors, which are eliminated at the stage of laboratory tests. Some have a non-working cache (or part thereof), other — x86-cores, and others — a graphics block, and a fourth — a weak memory controller. According to this, there are releases of less productive CPU, but working with a moderate price tag. About unlocking cores / cache in AMD processors users probably know firsthand.
As the saturation of the defective inventory APU Trinity platform FM2, AMD will decide on the mass production of new models of AMD Athlon II X4. They will be easily distinguished from its predecessors on the number of the form 7xx.
Integrated Graphics Radeon VLIW4, of course, will be disabled. Frequency will be slightly reduced for marketing purposes. Overclocker devotees will primarily be interested in quad-core Athlon II X4 750K of free factor. The operating frequency of the model — 3.4 GHz, cache …