The elaboration of completely new APUs, codenamed Kaveri, compelled AMD work up one more suitable CPU socket – FM2+. Once after its launch, the leading manufacturers of motherboards have reacted on-the-fly, releasing proprietary models for a new platform. Asus, as usual, was among the first to introduce fresh solutions. Motherboard A88X-Pro is remarkable by the support of upcoming APUs, though it will be still possible to incorporate hybrid processors of the current generation for Socket FM2. For sure, this is not a mere advantage of the board. Let’s have a look at some other specs.
Key Peculiarities
Asus A88X-Pro is developed on AMD A88X chipset and houses an onboard Radeon HD 7000/8000 series graphics. The PCB allots 4 DIMM slots for DDR3 SDRAM modules. An overall capacity of modules set might achieve 64 GB, whereas an ultimate supported clock frequency makes up 2400 MHz. Expansion section is not as bright as a demanding customer would desire; nonetheless, it …