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Spam Modifications and Its Activity Level in 2012

‘Kaspersky Lab’ company, known for the development and distribution of information security programs, has recently published a report dedicated to the spam-system activity for the past quarter of 2012. The report contains the statistical data in percentages about the spammer activity in different parts of the world. The 3% reduction of e-mail spam level is considered to be the most advantageous aspect in the report. However, the extension of the spammer activity geography is considered to be the least advantageous aspect in the whole report. The extension brought to the substantial increase of the Internet trash in separate regions.

The report provided by ‘Kaspersky Lab’ exemplifies the most striking spam samples which were distributed to the targeted groups. Hence, the largest number of spam-messages and add-ons has been distributed during the religious and national festivities. The working scheme of spam messages didn’t change so much and was targeted mainly at the uninformed users. The user’s account was spammed with a message of an advertising character, promoting consumer goods, unauthorized services or generic medications. Rather frequently the message contained add-on with the integrated virus files called to attack the separate computer programs or the OS upon the whole.

The distinctive features of spam in the current year are considered to be e-mails with civil and political orientation. The spam e-mails worked the following way: the account holder received a notification about the upcoming rally and a kind request to participate in it. The only thing the user should perform is to provide his personal information. Spammers asked to provide the full name, contact data and current address of the e-mail account holder to fill in the register of participants. Gullible account holders became victims of such information theft; their personal data have been further used to subscribe for various paid services.

According to the official regional statistics, Europe witnessed the decrease of spam (in various manifestations) while countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia suffered from the increase of spam attacks. Those regions saw the perceptible spam growth dynamics. The immutable leaders in spam distribution are Brazil and India.

Analysts from ‘Kaspersky Lab’ company have to state a fact that it’s impossible so far to cease the activity of spammers in spite of the botnet closure. Currently it’s only feasible to speak about the slight spam reduction tendencies. Specialists recommend employing reliable anti-spam software which is integrated deeply into the Internet and accomplishes a thorough analysis of all content.
  • 0
  • 21 May 2012, 14:55
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