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External HDD Adata DashDrive Durable HD710 Review
The situation in the segment of external hard drives can nowadays be viewed twofold. On the one hand, the customers are able to choose the device according to all their requirements, as the range of HDD counts up hundreds of high-end and budgetary models. On the other hand, such wide spectrum of devices triggers violent competition among manufacturers which would like to win their customers by unique design or new developments in framework. Adata decided to win its customers by the unusual design, as well as unmatched durability and reliability. Thus, Adata DashDrive Durable HD710 series is distinguished by both, design and performance.

General Peculiarities and Layout
Adata HD710 is attributed to the protected external HDs which comply with the dust-, water-, and moisture protectability international standards. Those standards usually include a few dozens of sub-standards and research methods which allow the manufacturer to test their products in different conditions. HD710 goes in three color gamuts, with yellow, blue and black casings, and three volume capacities: 500 GB, 750 GB and 1TB. The customers are given an opportunity to choose the color of the HD despite its volume capacity; this is deemed as one of the attractive features of this series. The color rubbered cover hides the main protective casing made of silicon; the rubber cover is glued to the main casing only at several points.
It should be mentioned that Adata HD710 does not have any control elements. The only signifying element is the integrated LED indicator which is placed inside the main casing. The drive is equipped with a single microUSB 3.0 socket that is covered by an untight plug. However, it is also possible to connect microUSB 2.0 cable to this socket due to its composite framework.
The nominal delivery set includes a detailed guidance on HDD connection with the PC, outline of the available Adata applets, removable cable adapter from USB 3.0 to microUSB 3.0. No additional software or drivers can be found in the kit, since the spectrum of facilities is dwindled to a few options.

Adata delivers a couple of programs for its HD710 series: HDDtoGO and OStoGO. HDDtoGO consists of a single file and does not require installation. This program is intended to complete synchronization of files, directories, bookmarks from Mozilla and IE, as well as Microsoft Outlook e-mail databases on PC and on external HD. All copied to the external HD files can be stored in archive form, though the synchronization process might take more time and the files will be unavailable. In its turn, OStoGO is intended to create a setup flash-drive or external winchester from the setup Windows Vista or Windows 7 disk.
Testing results witnessed that Adata DashDrive Durable HD710 is capable to demonstrate quite decent speed showings. Thus, the maximal reading speed at the initial segments with the heightened density levels approximates 96.3 Mb/sec, while the reading speed achieves 86.4 Mb/sec. The speed data changes somehow when the device is enabled via USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 cables. When connected via USB 3.0 cable, the average reading speed approximates 76.5 Mb/sec, while the reading speed achieves 74.3 Mb/sec; when connected via USB 2.0 cable, the average reading speed approximates 32.9 Mb/sec, reading speed – 31.1 Mb/sec. The average access speed equals to 17.1 ms (USB 2.0), and to 16.9 ms (USB 3.0).
PCs and laptops with the integrated USB 3.0 interface will recognize this HDD by means of BIOS, so can be employed also as the boot disk. Quite the contrary, in more old-fashioned PCs BIOS will not be capable to recognize the HDD until the customer downloads all necessary drivers.

General Peculiarities and Layout
Adata HD710 is attributed to the protected external HDs which comply with the dust-, water-, and moisture protectability international standards. Those standards usually include a few dozens of sub-standards and research methods which allow the manufacturer to test their products in different conditions. HD710 goes in three color gamuts, with yellow, blue and black casings, and three volume capacities: 500 GB, 750 GB and 1TB. The customers are given an opportunity to choose the color of the HD despite its volume capacity; this is deemed as one of the attractive features of this series. The color rubbered cover hides the main protective casing made of silicon; the rubber cover is glued to the main casing only at several points.
It should be mentioned that Adata HD710 does not have any control elements. The only signifying element is the integrated LED indicator which is placed inside the main casing. The drive is equipped with a single microUSB 3.0 socket that is covered by an untight plug. However, it is also possible to connect microUSB 2.0 cable to this socket due to its composite framework.
The nominal delivery set includes a detailed guidance on HDD connection with the PC, outline of the available Adata applets, removable cable adapter from USB 3.0 to microUSB 3.0. No additional software or drivers can be found in the kit, since the spectrum of facilities is dwindled to a few options.

Adata delivers a couple of programs for its HD710 series: HDDtoGO and OStoGO. HDDtoGO consists of a single file and does not require installation. This program is intended to complete synchronization of files, directories, bookmarks from Mozilla and IE, as well as Microsoft Outlook e-mail databases on PC and on external HD. All copied to the external HD files can be stored in archive form, though the synchronization process might take more time and the files will be unavailable. In its turn, OStoGO is intended to create a setup flash-drive or external winchester from the setup Windows Vista or Windows 7 disk.
Testing results witnessed that Adata DashDrive Durable HD710 is capable to demonstrate quite decent speed showings. Thus, the maximal reading speed at the initial segments with the heightened density levels approximates 96.3 Mb/sec, while the reading speed achieves 86.4 Mb/sec. The speed data changes somehow when the device is enabled via USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 cables. When connected via USB 3.0 cable, the average reading speed approximates 76.5 Mb/sec, while the reading speed achieves 74.3 Mb/sec; when connected via USB 2.0 cable, the average reading speed approximates 32.9 Mb/sec, reading speed – 31.1 Mb/sec. The average access speed equals to 17.1 ms (USB 2.0), and to 16.9 ms (USB 3.0).
PCs and laptops with the integrated USB 3.0 interface will recognize this HDD by means of BIOS, so can be employed also as the boot disk. Quite the contrary, in more old-fashioned PCs BIOS will not be capable to recognize the HDD until the customer downloads all necessary drivers.
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