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Posljednji poznati vozač: 23.12.2020


NZXT to Launch a New Line of Powerful PSUs

Developers from NZXT decided to revive a series of prime power supply units, codenamed HALE90, launched in 2010 by designing a new line of powerful units. The line has been entitled HALE90 V2 and includes three models of 850W, 1000W, and 1200W power. All three models are notable by the availability of 80Plus Gold certificate that verifies their high-performance and reliability.

Unlike the majority of similar products, HALE90 V2 are housed in casings of white color with black insertions that add some elegance to the overall design. The units are characterized by a totally modular cabling (including 24-pin ATX connector); this is called to dramatically simplify the accomplishment of individual wire sheath on modding. One of the peculiarities of this PSU line is rigid connection of the mainboard with the cable board, while the majority of rival PSUs employ flexible wires.

Voltage 12V generation is realized by means of a single rail. The platform is developed according to …

Thecus Showcases N7710-G and N8810U-G NAS Models

Thecus has gladdened all PC enthusiasts by announcing two new NAS servers, codenamed N7710-G and N8810U-G. Both models are a combination of high efficiency, well-tried network platform for SMB, high-quality hardware base, and appropriate support software. The manufacturer promises to make them available in late March at the price tag of $1335 for the first model and $2400 for the second one.

The N7710-G and N8810U-G are equipped with a powerful Intel Pentium G850 processor, as well as with dedicated network modules that support 10GbE technology. The latter ensures 10 times faster transfer speeds than usual gigabit connection does. Therefore, both storages can efficiently handle all present-day tasks and are sure to handle even more hard-driving ones in the future.

The couple supports all updated RAID configurations (JBOD, 0, 1, 5, 6, 10), which allow the customer to select the most efficient storage options. Additionally, the models support RAID 50 that enables the …

ECS to Implement AMD Memory Profile Support into Its Motherboards

AMD has won a reputation not only for designing and supplying high-end processors but also for introducing its brand memory expansion, codenamed AMD Memory Profile. This development is called to store and share memory settings profiles and to facilitate the search for the most rational settings. Thus, ECS company is going to implement AMP support for DDR3 memory into its future and current lineup of motherboards. According to the available data, AMP technology will be applied to the upcoming motherboards with AMD processors, and to the current products by means of UEFI firmware update. This is the first 'revival' of the technology since its reconsideration and upgrade.

The integrated technology is destined to setup new frequency, voltage and timings showings which will facilitate in keeping DDR3 memory modules stable. As a rule, random-access memory with high frequencies of more than 2GHz require manual system overclocking. AMP will prevent the emergence of errors while setting …

NAS devices, popis proizvođača

Na ovoj stranici možete pronaći popis proizvođača, NAS devices, vozač koji možete preuzeti na našoj web stranici. Za bolje traži odgovarajući upravljački program od 654963 dostupnih u našoj bazi, odaberite proizvođača vaše NAS devices od 25142 izneseno u ovom poglavlju.

DevID : : NAS devices

Manjak prostora na disku – stvarni problem kako velikih kompanija, tako i pojedinačnih korisnika. Učinkovito riješiti problem smještaja podataka pomažu network attached storage, često se nazivaju NASserverima. Oni pružaju ne samo prostor velikog kapaciteta, ali i osiguravaju pristup ovom prostoru računalima, korisnicima na istoj mreži. Učinkovito upravljati programski dio rada omogućuju stalno ažurira upravljački program za NAS uređaje.

U stvari, NASserver – samostalni mini-računalo, priključak na lan-u, s vlastitim procesora, ram memorije, sustav za hlađenje, disk array, kao i različitim modulima. Ovo računalo dobiva pojedinca IP-adresa i radi po utvrđenom protokolu. Kupci mreže (svi priključeni PC, лэптопы, tableti i tako dalje) pristupaju podacima preko gateway, ulogu koju obavlja integrirano u hardverski dio server.

Asortiman mrežnih skladišta podnosi modelima raznolik dizajn i različitih funkcija. Standardne NAS uređaji su obučeni u tela s jednim ili više odjeljaka za instalaciju uređaja za pohranu. Svi instalirani pogoni možete spojiti u RAID polja, koji pružaju visoke performanse i sigurnost pri radu s podacima. Nadalje, većina modernih skladišta ima zaslon/ploče za podešavanje i praćenje sustava.

Što se tiče skupa funkcionalnih sposobnosti, onda je on varira od modela do modela. Osim pružanja usluge pohrane i obrade informacija, NAS-poslužitelji mogu biti opremljeni modulima rad mreže i vanjske uređaje, torrent klijentima, programske ulaz/izlaz priključcima USBčitač, Ethernet, video izlazi (VGA, HDMI i ostale). Štoviše, ako je skinuti drivere za NAS uređaje, a zatim postavljanje sustava može se proizvesti bez uključivanja računala, kroz direktnu vezu miša i tipkovnice na I/O ploči.

Ukupno, NASposlužitelji pružaju pouzdanost za pohranu informacija, jednostavnost administracije, otvoreni pristup podacima svim korisnicima PC i gotovo neograničene skalabilnost – mogućnost proširiti prostor na disku tako da instalirate pogone većeg kapaciteta ili spajanje na sustav još jednog skladišta.


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