Samsung Electronics has unveiled a couple of new high-quality monitors within the boundaries of CES 2013. The two products, Samsung SC770 Touch and Samsung SC750, belong to 7 Series and promise to ensure the utmost display quality and experience. Their predestination isn't limited by a single targeted group only, but expands to all customer groups (professional and entry-level). As said by the manufacturer, this couple will be released later this quarter.
The first of the two monitors, model Samsung SC770 Touch, is totally optimized for the newest Windows 8 platform. It is equipped with a touch-sensitive screen that supports up to ten simultaneous touches and allows rotating and moving the object on the display by means of fingers only. It's housed in an ultra-thin ergonomic frame that secures wide viewing angles and provides for the best consumer experience on viewing multimedia content. This monitor features a stylish stand of cylindric shape; this way, the customer is able …