Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Biostar to Release a Budget-Oriented A68I-450 Deluxe Motherboard

Biostar Microtech is going to release a new budget-oriented motherboard of mini-ITX form-factor. Codenamed Biostar A68I-450 Deluxe, it is peculiar by the employment of an onboard two-core hybrid processor – AMD 450D. The latter comprises two x86 Bobcat blocks, running at 1.65 GHz, and an in-built AMD Radeon HD 6320 graphics that is compatible with DirectX 11 standard. It should be noted that this CPU is cooled down thanks to a small-sized fan.

The motherboard is based on AMD A68 chipset for socket BGA FT1. It is able to offer a pair of 240-contact DIMM slots for DDR3 RAM with the maximal clock frequency of 1066 MHz (up to 16 GB modules). Expansion facilities are represented by a single PCIe 2.0 x16 slot, while storage is secured by three SATA III 6 Gb/sec ports. Network operation is relied on gigabit Ethernet adapter (Realtek RTL8111F), whereas audio subsystem runs under Realtek ALC662 controller, providing 5.1-channel sounding.

To continue, Biostar A68I-450 Deluxe is …

MSI Updates Its Motherboard Line with X79A-GD45 Plus Model

MSI, a global designer of different PC hardware items, updated its ATX motherboards line with a new model X79A-GD45 Plus. As it’s seen from the codename, the board is based on Intel X79 Express system logics and is estimated for the integration of Intel Sandy Bridge-E CPUs for LGA2011 socket. According to preliminary information, a recommended price for the new item will fluctuate within the measures of $200-$250.

Motherboard X79A-GD45 Plus from MSI is furnished with 9-phase power subsystem and two heatsinks of different framework template. This subsystem has been developed with the implementation of DrMOS II technology relied on high-quality components which comply with Military Class III concept. Those components totally correspond to MIL-STD-810G standard in terms of stability and reliability of operation. Memory subsystem consists of eight 240-contact DIMM slots that allow for the integration of up to 128GB of 4-channel DDR3 memory type. The system supports various …

P2418HT and P2418HZ – the Innovative IPS-panel Monitors from Dell

Recently at CES 2017, the Dell Co. has introduced P2418HT and P2418HZ monitors.

P2418HT is also called Dell 24 Touch Monitor and possesses a touch screen, and P2418HZ is otherwise named Dell 24 Monitor for Video Conferencing and is equipped with everything required for respective activities, like, for instance, a 2.1 MP IR-webcam, another IR-camera, two omnidirectional microphones and two embedded speakers with overall capacity of 10 W. Dell P2418HT has a glare filter and recognizes up to 10 taps at a time.

Both specialties feature 23.8” Full HD IPS-panels, the 250 cd/m2 brightness factor and the 1000:1 contrast ratio. Besides, these devices cover 83–84 % of the CIE 1976 colour gamut.

The interface is represented by one DisplayPort 1.2, one D-Sub, one HDMI 1.4, two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0 ports.

P2418HT and P2418HZ will come in retail in the USA on the 12th of January. The first model costs approximately $400, and the second – about $330.

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Network adapters mill-kumpanija ZyXEL mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

- Karta tan-netwerk (l-adapter) hija għodda mfassla biex it-trasferiment ta'informazzjoni bejn diversi kompjuters fil-netwerk lokali u wkoll għall-PC tal-konnessjoni ma'l-world wide web. Fl-essenza, dawn il-mezzi huma konvenzjonali Bord bi mikroproċessur, il-konnekter għall-netwerk tal-konduzzjoni u anċillari-ħardwer tal-komponenti. Jiddependi fuq il-konnessjoni tat-tip, hemm esterni, intern PCI u mibnija fil għoli adapters.

Netwerk estern karti huma fil-domanda kbira fost il-konsumaturi minħabba l-possibbiltà reali tagħhom konnessjoni għal kull PC permezz ta'interface USB. Dawn huma magħmula fil-forma ta'individwali modulu mhux dipendenti fuq l-għoli. Dan il-modulu għandha numru ta'karatteristiċi protettivi bħal mibnija fil – mekkaniżmu prottetiv mill-sajjetta jolqot, li għandha l-konnessjoni mal-Internet, anke fil avversi kundizzjonijiet tat-temp. Biex tiġi stabbilita l-konnessjoni bejn il-kompjuter u l-Internet u magni oħra fuq in-netwerk, l-ewwel jeħtieġ li tniżżel l-muturi għat-netwerk tal-karti.

Intern adapters huma installati fil-free PCIxaqq fuq l-għoli. Huma jeħtieġu wkoll li l-tniżżil sewwieq separata-pakkett qabel ma tibda. L-aktar "m'humiex iebsa" fl-operazzjoni huma mibnija fil-adapters. Dawn huma l-żgħar ċippa immutar fuq il-Bord li ma jeħtieġu l-tfittxija u l-installazzjoni tal-programmi individwali, kif kollha meħtieġa għall-sewwieqa tiegħek tan-netwerk tal-karta huma l-istess id-diska bil-software għall-għoli.

Barra minn dawn it-tipi ta'netwerk adapters jeżistu Wi-Fi d-deċiżjonijiet. Dawn jgħaqqdu l-PC permezz tan-netwerk Wi-Fi tan-netwerk tal-kejbil tagħti lill-kejbil Wi-Firouter li meta konnessi mas-sistema permezz tal-USB tal-kejbil, jittrasmetti-pakkett tad-dejta fuq il-PC.

Dejta tal-veloċità tat-trasferiment għal dan it-tip ta'konnessjoni jistgħu jvarjaw, skond il-karatteristiċi tal-karta u l-router. Per eżempju, Gigabit adapters tan-netwerk jipprovdi trasferiment tad-data tar-rata: 1000 MB/sec (jekk inti għandek l-Internet ta'veloċità stabbiliti mill-ISP tiegħek).

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