ID yoki qurilmaning nomi bilan haydovchilar

Ma'lum qurilma: 165022367

Oxirgi ma'lum haydovchi: 23.12.2020


Telum and Ferrum: the Continuators of Aerocool Templarius Genus

Aerocool proudly introduces two new PC cases that have been entitled as Templarius Telum and Templarius Ferrum. As seen from the titles, the novices continue Aerocool's Templarius chassis line and are called to become their worthy representatives. Both models are appropriate for the mounting of gaming computers and other powerful systems. Moreover, they are already on sale, so gamers and other enthusiasts can taste all their benefits in real time.

PC cases Telum and Ferrum are developed in full-tower ATX form-factor. Their dimensions, 420x185x435 mm and 460x200x455 mm correspondingly, promote for the installation of truly voluminous and mighty components: CPU coolers up to 158 mm in height and graphics adapters up to 400 mm in length. Internal framework allows the user to create a really efficient cooling environment, providing room for up to ten fans. Besides, the chassis are equipped with dedicated holes for the water-cooling organization; all tubes and a heatsink can be …

Thermaltake Enters the Market with NiC L31 and L32 CPU Coolers

Thermaltake Technology has just started shipping a pair of budgetary CPU coolers from NiC series. Entitled NiC L31 and NiC L32, these two models are compatible with all updated Intel and AMD platform motherboards. In keeping with the manufacturer, the new-comers will not obstruct the mounting of memory modules, due to their well-considered framework. Hence, they consist of small-sized heatsinks, three U-shape heatpipes (8 mm), and a base that is in direct contact with the CPU.

The first model, NiC L31 (codename: CL-P001-AL12RE-A), features 140x128x40 mm dimensions and weighs 530 g. The integrated 120 mm fan might operate in various speed modes – from 500 RPM to 1800 RPM – thanks to the support for PWM technology. It produces up to 70.99 CFM and dissipates up to 160 W power.

At the same time, at the minimal speed mode it generates only 18 dB noise, however at the ultimate rotations this index rises to 34.8 dB. According to the results of multiple tests, this fan is …

Release of Chassis Aresze Subverter 7650B with Efficient Cooling System

Aresze is going to release its new series of chassis developed in Mid-Tower form factor. Codenamed Subverter 7650B, these chassis are primarily intended at consumers with the heightened demands to the layout and integration but with rather 'modest' financial possibilities. Subverter 7650B series can boast an outstanding efficiency pertained to cooling down. In addition, the internal zoning and integration of this model are similar to that implemented in more costly line of products manufactured by Aresze.

Aresze took all efforts to achieve the maximal results applied to the efficient cooling down. Thus, the framework zoning for the airflow distribution has been designed according to the company's own technology. The bay designated for graphics cards, which can support the cards of up to 300 mm in length, can be applied for the wide range of solutions. The 120 mm fan is located at the top part of the chassis and serve the blowing out means; this way the hot airflow does not …

Mouses WheelMouse, modellari ro'yxati

Ro'yhatidan kompaniya Mouses dan WheelMouseizning s model i tanlang d modellari bu sahifada taqdim etildi. Bizning bazasida ko'proq 654963 mutlaqo bepul.yuklab olishingiz mumkin qaysi haydovchilar

Kompyuter sichqoncha – mexanik kiritish qurilma, rulda uzatish ichiga harakatini o'zgartirishga. Rivojlanishning uzoq yo'lini so'ng, bu crane foydalanuvchining kompyuter bilan aloqa asosiy vosita bo'lib qoladi. Lekin samarali aloqa sichqon uchun haydovchilar bilan ta'minlash, qaysi maxsus sozlash, holda imkonsiz bo'lardi.

Bugun, sichqon 4 asosiy turi mavjud: to'p, optik, lazer va trenbolone.

To'p sichqoncha – bir yodgorlik qaysi hali ham ba'zi bir foydalanuvchilar uylarda yashaydilar. Ularning dizayn kursor va ikki valik () gorizontal va vertikal nazorat maxsus metall to'pni o'z ichiga oladi. Agar harakatlar amalga oshirish uchun kerak bo'lsa, foydalanuvchi roliklar harakati yo'nalishi hisobotlar qaysi to'p, harakat qiladi. Bunday echimlar asosiy kamchiligi – to'p mexanizmi tez ifloslanishi va muntazam tozalash uchun kerak.

Optik modellar barcha boshqaruv harakatlari kichik kamera amalga oshiradi qaerda tizimini ifodalaydi, keldi va ikkinchi boshiga bir necha ming marta uning suratga respublikasi nurli yuzasi. Suratga ma'lumot olingan, ichki protsessor tomonidan qayta ishlangan va darhol kompyuter yuboriladi.

Lazer sichqonchani optik modellari, faqat o'rniga kamera bu yerda ishlatilgan semiconductor lazer bilan operatsiya shunga o'xshash bir qoida bor. Lazer echimlar asosiy afzalliklari kam quvvat iste'moli, eng yuqori readability, va yuzalar barcha turlari bilan muvofiqligi, oyna va oyna, shu jumladan o'z ichiga oladi.

Trenbolone sichqoncha juda kam uchraydi. Oddiy holda ular kiyingan va siz bir barmog'i bilan qurilma manipulyatsiya qilish imkonini beradi ko'tarilgan bir bead bor.

Bir KOMPYUTER uchun ulanish turi simli va simsiz sichqoncha ajrata. Simli bor kabel"dumi" deb bog'laydi uchun port USB ham PS/2. Ish orqali simsiz texnologiya Bluetooth orqali ham radio to'lqinlar. Bunday modellar oralig'ida 20 m 5-biridan farq qilishi mumkin. Har qanday turdagi qurilmalar ish boshlash uchun sichqon uchun bepul yuklab olish haydovchi kerak.

Mashhur toifali haydovchi Mouses WheelMouse