ID yoki qurilmaning nomi bilan haydovchilar

Ma'lum qurilma: 165022367

Oxirgi ma'lum haydovchi: 23.12.2020


The Komodo NV-LE GTX Titan X VGA Waterblock from Swiftech

The Swiftech Company has released the Komodo NV-LE GTX Titan X VGA waterblock. This unit is constructed for the Titan X video card. The rear plate is anodized. The RGB ALED lighting can be managed during runtime with the help of the controller. This useful device lets users easily change the lighting colour by pushing a button. A useful PWM signal extension cable is added.

An elegant Komodo NV-LE GTX Titan X VGA waterblock represents the «Luxury Edition» VGA water units line. Its RGB ALED lighting system works with all Swiftech's X2 series CPU coolers. The supply kit contains all components, needed to enable the lighting system. A PWM signal extension cable helps control a level of noise and a process of cooling in systems with discrete video graphics array cooling loops.

The cooling system is designed to provide cooling of such important components as memory, GPU, power MOS transistors and other power units enumerated in NVidia's Thermal Solutions Design Guide. At the …

Point of View GeForce GT 640: power-efficient graphics

Company Point of View has presented the first card of GeForce 600 category — Point of View GeForce GT 640, created on the basis of GPU nVidia.

GeForce GT 640 is a power-efficient graphics processor with little heat-emission index. It is developed in compliance with 28 nm technological process and based on Kepler architecture. GPU is equipped with 384 universal processors, and supports key technologies nVidia, such as adaptive vertical synchronization, smoothing FXAA and nVidia Surround — a technology that allows to connect up to three monitors simultaneously. Also the model supports stereoscopic 3D mode.

Graphics card Point of View GeForce GT 640 has got three video outputs — Dual Link DVI, HDMI and VGA, and is available in 1 GB and 2 GB video-memory versions of DDR3 type. In comparison with the previous generations of GeForce grapics cards, new nVidia GeForce GT 640 boasts high efficiency showings — up to 30%.

To continue, the new product is designed to bridge …

New characteristics of co-processors Xeon Phi

For several years, developed Intel Larrabee graphics cards have changed its destiny, and now proudly referred to coprocessors Xeon Phi. The June announcement gave a very rough idea of ​​their characteristics and applications (highly specialized servers and workstations). Now some details will be revealed.

Bboosters Xeon Phi will be available in versions with 57, 60 and 61 core. There are in general 64 computational units, but some of them will be disabled. Depending on the number of cores the cache size varies from 1.8-1.9 MB first level and 28-30,5 MB second. The volume of onboard GDDR5 memory is 3, 6, and 8 GB.

Intel Xeon Phi device will operate on a low clock rate from 600-1100 MHz for the lower 57-core models with 3 and 6 GB of GDDR5, to the 630-1050 MHz or more for the older 60 — and 61-core board with 8 GB of RAM. Effective memory frequency will be in the range of 5-5.5 GHz. Support for dynamic overclocking Turbo Boost will be provided by reasonable balance of …

Processors, ishlab chiqaruvchilar.

Bu sahifada s haydovchilar shlab chiqaruvchilar ro'yxatini topishingiz mumkin, bizning veb-saytida yuklab olishingiz mumkin. chiqib, munosib bir haydovchi uchun eng yaxshi qidirish bizning bazasida mavjud, sizning ishlab chiqaruvchi tanlash 0an s 25142 bu bo'limda taqdim etilgan.

DevID : : Processors

Protsessor KOMPYUTER apparat, tizza, mobil qurilmalar, virtual mashinalari, tarmoq saqlash, va programlanabilir mantiq tekshiruvi asosiy tarkibiy qismi hisoblanadi. Butun tizimi ishlashi uchun javobgar, u emas va, xususan, uning turli komponentlari o'rtasidagi munosabatlar.

Protsessor samaradorligini ishlab chiqarish texnologik jarayoni qoidalariga bog'liq, mikro-arxitektura, markaziy PROTSESSOR chastotasi, quvvat iste'moli va computational yadrolari bajarish. Bo'yicha samaradorligi birinchi ikki parametrlari uchun ta'sir biron-bir tarzda, bu imkonsiz, lekin rahbarlarning ishlashi qolgan mumkin agar siz yuklab olish haydovchilar uchun protsessorlar va amalga oshirish uchun yaxshi tuzatish har bir funktsiyasi.

Bugun, kabi ko'p yillar avval - kurash uchun iste'molchi, bor, ikki ulkan chiqaruvchi protsessor: Intel va AMD. Bu ikki kompaniya muntazam ravishda turli darajadagi (beginner, professional darajasi, sevganlar, testers) iste'molchilar ko'proq ta'sirchan ishlashi bilan yanada kuchli modellari zavq. Qaramay paydo yangi texnologiyalar va muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirish, yangi xususiyatlar uchun optimal operatsiya protsessor hisoblanadi etarli uchun moslashingiz quyidagi sozlash (ko'pincha orqali grafik interfeysi, masalan, BIOS/UEFI BIOS):

  • tizimi avtobus chastota (CPU Soat). CPU ishlashi ma'lum bir darajasi uchun overclock qadar, avtomatik yoki qo'lda tizimi avtobus soat chastota qiymati moslashingiz mumkin;
  • yadro kuchlanish markaziy PROTSESSOR yadrolari/. Overclocking maqsadlari Uchun ball tezlikda operatsion odatda 1.5-1.75 V. o'rtasida bo'lsa, yadro kuchlanish, kuchlanish oshirish kerak (–up 1.85 V cheklash);
  • kesh xotira. Har qanday zamonaviy PROTSESSOR yuqori tezlikdagi kesh xotira bilan jihozlangan. Uning asosiy vazifasi kechikish holda tez-tez ishlatiladigan ma'lumotlar va ko'rsatmalar ularga kirishni ta'minlash uchun saqlash uchun emas. Optimallashtirish uchun kesh xotira operatsiya CPU uchun maxsus haydovchilar javob;
  • energiya iste'moli. Deyarli barcha zamonaviy protsessor energiya tejovchi mexanizmlari, shuningdek, himoya funksiyalari bilan jihozlangan. Birinchi mo'ljallangan kamaytirish uchun energiya iste'moli ostida turli daraja yuk CPU va ikkinchi bor mo'ljallangan himoya qilish uchun chip dan qizib da oliy voltages/chastotalar tomonidan o'chirib butlovchilar da maksimal yuk yoki oddiy;
  • xato o'zgarishlar bilan yangilash, GUI - BIOS Yangilash. Bu xususiyatlarini o'z ichiga oladi uzatish dasturiy ta'minot dan microcode BIOS uchun protsessor holda aniqlash xatolar ish CPU. Odatda xatolar chiquvchilar o'zlari tomonidan aniqlangan va ularning bartaraf etish maqsadida yangilangan firmware interfeysi beriladi.

Mashhur toifali haydovchi Processors