Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Telum and Ferrum: the Continuators of Aerocool Templarius Genus

Aerocool proudly introduces two new PC cases that have been entitled as Templarius Telum and Templarius Ferrum. As seen from the titles, the novices continue Aerocool's Templarius chassis line and are called to become their worthy representatives. Both models are appropriate for the mounting of gaming computers and other powerful systems. Moreover, they are already on sale, so gamers and other enthusiasts can taste all their benefits in real time.

PC cases Telum and Ferrum are developed in full-tower ATX form-factor. Their dimensions, 420x185x435 mm and 460x200x455 mm correspondingly, promote for the installation of truly voluminous and mighty components: CPU coolers up to 158 mm in height and graphics adapters up to 400 mm in length. Internal framework allows the user to create a really efficient cooling environment, providing room for up to ten fans. Besides, the chassis are equipped with dedicated holes for the water-cooling organization; all tubes and a heatsink can be …

Developers Reveal New Three-Column Design of Bing SE

The time when all Bing users will get the chance to take pleasure in new searching opportunities is already round the corner. Microsoft corporation has developed a new version of Bing search engine which is called to surpass other SEs by certain parameters. Company’s representatives dare to claim that new opportunities of Bing will totally change the user conception about the search for the needful information. This will be supported as by standard search options, so by additional functions. Those additional functions will allow the search for information and the communication with friends in Facebook simultaneously.

New Bing version has Three-Column design structure which facilitates the search process immensely. Three-Column design presumes that the information displayed by the SE will be divided in three blocks: search results block, central block and social block. Search results block displays the most relevant to the query sources. Upon the whole, the search for the …

The Thermaltake View 22 Tempered Glass Edition Chassis Has Got a Wave-Shaped Front Panel

Thermaltake has released a new chassis of the Middle Tower type. The novelty, called Thermaltake View 22 Tempered Glass Edition, is produced out of the SPCC steel and the 4 mm tempered glass. An unusual aspect of the model is its front panel, resembling a wave and attaching extra elegance to this PC case.


Inside Thermaltake View 22 Tempered Glass Edition has enough room to house Mini-ITX, microATX or ATX motherboards with 7 expansion slots (at most). There are four mounting seats for 2.5-inch drives; two of them are also suitable for 3.5-inch solutions. The graphics accelerator length is not to overcome 400 mm, and the CPU cooler’s height should be 160 mm or less. The power supply length limitation equals 160 mm.


The external interfaces set of Thermaltake View 22 Tempered Glass Edition offers two USB 3.0 ports, as well as a couple of 3.5 mm audio jacks for headphones and a mic. The cooling system may contain seven or less 120 mm fans (3 on the front, 3 on …

Videorecorders, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Videorecorders-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Videorecorders mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Videorecorders

Moderna reġistraturi bil-vidjo huma użati ħafna llum kemm fil-kumpaniji u l-miri individwali. Kameras, monitors, lentijiet, reġistraturi u moderni oħra tagħmir joffri firxa sħiħa ta'servizzi fuq l-organizzazzjoni tal-sorveljanza bil-vidjo lokali u territorjali oġġetti. Għall-implimentazzjoni effettiva ta'l-għanijiet ta'l-oġġetti ta'monitoraġġ huwa meħtieġ li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għall-vidjo-reġistraturi.

Mezzi ta'reġistrazzjoni jistgħu jinstabu fi kważi kull uffiċċju, tax-xiri tal-sala u fil-manifattura, fejn huwa meħtieġ biex jeżerċitaw il-kontroll fuq il-proċess tax-xogħol, il-viżitaturi u l-klijenti. Ħafna drabi s-sorveljanza monitors huma installati fi djar privati biex jimplimenta l-miżuri tas-sigurtà tal-proprjetà. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-personali-mezzi tat-trasport hawn, għar-reġistraturi – universali l-attributi ta'sigurtà personali u l-kontroll!

Ta'min jinnota li minbarra l-reġistrazzjoni, il-video-reġistratur, għandhom ħafna oħra bl-istess mod utli-funzjonijiet: il-monitoraġġ, l-arkivjar tad-dejta, l-wiri tal-rekords, remot-aċċess għad-dejta, quick-tfittxija tiegħek mixtieqa-rekords, kif ukoll il-funzjonijiet ta'l-allarm permezz tal-mozzjoni ditekters.

Il-funzjonalità ta ' l-apparat u l-kwalità tal-materjal huwa influwenzat bil-parametri li ġejjin:

  • jintużaw il-komponent tal-bażi;
  • il-prestazzjoni tal-CPU/kontrollur;
  • l-ammont tal-MUNTUN;
  • il-ħażna daqs;
  • ir-rilevanza tal-installati-sewwieqa.

L-aħħar il-parametru huwa ta'importanza partikolari bħala sewwieqa għall-vidjo reġistraturi tittejjeb l-effiċjenza ta'l-sistema. Biex tniżżel kurrenti tas-sewwieq li jiżgura konformità sħiħa tal-installat softwer tal-konness-apparat (PC, laptop, eċċ.) u jippermetti li l-ħin biex jottimizzaw il-sistema għall-kondizzjonijiet ġodda ta'xogħol.


Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Videorecorders