Gidariak ID edo gailuaren izena

Ezagutzen gailu: 165022367

Azken ezagutzen gidari: 23.12.2020


CRYORIG R1 Ultimate – Kill the Noise, Silence is Cold


CRYORIG was officially established in 2013, and became more and more popular year by year. So what is CRYORIG exactly? CRYORIG is about making the coolest gadgets for your PC.

Surely, nowadays it is hard to find the one who hasn’t heard about CRYORIG. They release air and liquid CPU coolers and fans and got the respect all over the world because of constant improvement and using high-quality materials. Such position gives an opportunity to remain one of the most reliable and prospective companies.

Today we are going to have a review of their cold beast: CRYORIG R1 Ultimate. It is the biggest cooler they have ever offered, so it is interesting to see the specifications. The logo on the official website “kill the noise, silence is cold’’ promises quiet and productive work of the cooler.


Manufacturer — CRYORIG

Model — R1 Ultimate

Socket Support –

Intel: LGA775, LGA1150, LGA1151, LGA1155, LGA1156, LGA1366, LGA2011

Toshiba will increase the capacity of hard drives up to 600 terabytes

Toshiba is engaged in improving the existing hard drives in order to increase their capacity. Limited to several tens of terabytes, Japanese do not want to stop — they need at least 600 terabytes in a single 3.5-inch drive. To do this, Toshiba uses all the tools and opportunities, including temporary cooperation with companies, competitors, TDK, and Showa Denko KK.

The newly formed trio of producers focuses on the development of new technologies of recording information on magnetic media and improvement of existing methods. Alliance sees great prospective in the technology of the so-called «two-dimensional magnetic recording» (TDMR). It is experimental, but using, it is quite achievable to record density of 10 terabits per square inch, which thus gives the capacity of 600 terabytes in a single hard drive.

Of course, no one talks about the chances of such a capacious storage in the foreseeable future — Toshiba and its partners will have more than one year of research …

Noctua NF-S12A: High-End Fans for Customers with No Financial Constraints

Fans from Noctua have been enjoying great popularity among customers with no financial constraints for a long time already. Austrian manufacturer gets used to offer only qualitative and exclusive products, ensuring the maximal operational effect. Its new fan models, combined under a single codename NF-S12A, are a bright evidence of quality and performance. The series has been elaborated with each and every detail in consideration, thus the price tag is corresponding: $22.

Noctua NF-S12A series belongs to the third generation of PC chassis fans. Developed in 120 mm dimensions, the series is introduced by three models: ULN 600/800 RPM, PWM 300-1200 RPM, and FLX 700/900/1200 RPM. All three fans employ a self-stabilizing oil bearing SSO2 as the basis. Its assumed time of foolproof work is estimated as 150 thousand hours.

Their framework is distinguished by a 7-blade impeller with 'drops' on vanes; these drops are called to prevent the fans' cessation on slow operation. The …

Joysticks & Game devices Microsoft, eredu zerrenda

Aukeratu eredua zure Joysticks & Game devices from enpresaren Microsoft zerrenda 54321 ereduak aurkeztu orri honetan. Gure datu-basean baino gehiago 654963 gidariak bertan deskargatu ahal izango duzu, erabat dohainik.

Joko teknologia baino azkarrago ari da eboluzionatzen nekagaitza gamers dute denbora horiek egokitzeko. Ordezkatu kontsola batekin kable aginte eta primitibo TELEBISTA grafikoak etorri berritzailea duten gailuak hari gabeko konektibitatea trakadol eta 3D grafikoak bistaratzen pantailetan panoramikoan monitoreak eta plasma panelak. Arteko komunikazio burua unitate eta attachable kanpoko gailu erabaki deskargatu gidariak aginte eta joko moldagailu.

Zirrikitua moldagailu erabiltzen dira by gamers luzatzea gaitasunak kontsola eta online joko aplikazioak. Aukera ematen dute sortu arteko harremanak antzeko gailuak, hau da, oso estimatzen by gamers nahiago duten jokalari anitzeko jokoak. Horrez gain, ez dira bereziak moldagailu gisa balioko duten diagramak sarrera/irteera helburu Orokorreko hainbat erresistiboak eta digital sarrera.

Halaber, azpimarratu batzuk bihurgailuak dira gai aurkitu modu bat datorren parametro desberdinen arteko gailuak. Adibidez, gaur egun merkatuan daude moldagailu aukera ematen duten konektatu bat joystick on kontsola Xbox360 kontsola PlayStation 3, eta Alderantziz; kasu honetan, jokalariek ez lortu behar berriak erabiltzen interfazea duen aplikazioa. Nork pentsatu zukeen hori ez litzateke posible izango?!

Azkenik, ordena gozatzeko abantaila guztiak jokatzeko kontrolak joystick, ez da beharrezkoa bat erosi kontsola. Besterik gabe, konektatu urruneko zure PC deskargatu eta eguneratua gidariak aginte eta joko moldagailu. Horrela, zeuk gorde alferrikako denbora galtze ezarpenak eta berehala zeure burua aurkituko dibertigarria errealitatea.

Herri-gidari kategoria Joysticks & Game devices Microsoft