Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Overview of the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming Video Card

The NVIDIA Company continues to conquer new peaks of graphics performance. The latest high-profile novelties are video accelerators GeForce GTX 1080 Ti and Titan Xp. The second is an exclusive product with a small number manufactured and an extremely high price. But the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti will become the new flagship of mass production models which significantly raises the performance bar.

The GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is manufactured using the GP102 GPU based on the Pascal architecture. This chip has previously become the basis for the super-powerful solution of Titan X (Pascal), and recently released even faster Titan Xp. The GP102 processor consists of six graphic clusters of five SM multiprocessors.


In its full configuration, the GP102 has 3840 CUDA stream processors and 240 texture units. The memory bandwidth is increased to 384 bits due to 12 memory controllers. The crystal is produced on the basis of 16-nm process technology and has 12 billion …

SilverStone Launches 4-Port ECU01 PCI Expansion Card

Taking into account an ever increasing demand for USB 3.0 interfaces, SilverStone has elaborated a dedicated PCI expansion card, entitled ECU01. The card is designed in a low-profile form-factor with the support for PCI Express 2.0 x2 bus. It features a pair of 19-contact USB 3.0 sockets, each of which offers two USB 3.0 ports.

In keeping with the manufacturer, this comprehensive model is called to satisfy the need for high-speed interfaces, absent with old-fashioned systems. For sure, the amount of connectivity ports integrated within the motherboards (usually of entry-level/budgetary standard) is not always enough for enthusiasts and gamers. Hence, there can appear an acute need for additional expansion cards, like ECU01.

SilverStone ECU01 is based on Etron EJ198 controller, featuring an additional SATA interface that is responsible for an efficient power supply. Moreover, the model supports UASP protocol that accelerates data transfer speed. If the current OS does not …

Xilence presented Torino chassis for mainboards size Mini-ITX

Xilence Company has introduced its first hull with sizetype Mini-ITX – it got the name Torino (or the original codename — GEH-XP-TORINO). The manufacturer claims that the new product, despite its compact size, expressed by the dimentions 348 x 214 x 219 mm, is well suited for construction of «a full-fledged handheld gaming PC.»

Externally Xilence Torino made in the form of its older brothers, Interceptor and Interceptor Pro, and basic material of production is 0.8 mm thick steel. The hull is equipped with three external bays (one 5.25-inch size and two 2.5 inch size) and four internal (all sizes 3.5 inches). On the front panel there are two ports USB 3.0 display and two 3.5 mm jacks for headphones and microphone.

The rear panel of Xilence Torino has two bays for expansion cards. The installation of video cards up to 270 mm is also supported. According to reports of manufacturer, they fulfilled a goal of improving the ventilation of 3D-cards, which have specially …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Joysticks & Game devices mill-kumpanija Microsoft mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

- Logħob it-teknoloġija qed tevolvi malajr minn warajhom jogħġbok jkollhom il-ħin biex jadattaw għal dawn. Jissostitwixxi l-consoles bil-fili-sistema u l-primittivi ISEM grafika daħal apparat innovattiv bil-wireless-konnettività trakadol u 3D - grafika tidher fuq l-iskrins tal-monitors bi skrin wiesa fil-plażma u l-pannelli. Għall-komunikazzjoni bejn il-kap tal-unità u l-attachable apparat periferali iddeċieda li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għal-sistema u l-logħba adapters.

Islott adapters huma użati mill-itqal li testendi l-kapaċitajiet tal-consoles u tal-logħob online l-applikazzjonijiet. Dawn jippermettu li joħolqu r-relazzjonijiet bejn l-mezzi simili, li huwa apprezzat ħafna mill-itqal li jippreferu multi-logħob. Barra minn hekk, hemm speċjali adapters li jservu bħala dijagrammi tal-dħul/ħruġ-għan Ġenerali mal-multiplu ta'reżistenza u l-inputs diġitali.

Għandu jiġi enfasizzat li xi konvertituri jkunu jistgħu jsibu l-modi tal-tqabbil il-parametri bejn l-mezzi differenti. Per eżempju, illum fis-suq hemm adapters li jippermettu li jgħaqqdu search engine integrati fuq il-jikkontrolla - Pjattaforma360 biex jikkontrolla Tiffissa l - 3, u l-Viċi versa; f'dan il-każ l-atturi ma bżonn biex jidraw l-interface ġdida ta ' l-applikazzjoni. Li kien maħsub li dan ikun possibbli?!

Fl-aħħar nett, sabiex igawdu mill-benefiċċji kollha ta'gameplay-kontrolli mal-search engine integrati, mhuwiex neċessarju li jixtru l-utenti. Biss qabbad il-bogħod tiegħek PC u tniżżel l-sewwieqa aġġornata għall-sistema u l-logħba adapters. Għalhekk, inti tiffranka ruħek mill-ħela bla bżonn ta'żmien għall-settings u mill-ewwel issib ruħek fil-fun-realtà.

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