Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


The Komodo NV-LE GTX Titan X VGA Waterblock from Swiftech

The Swiftech Company has released the Komodo NV-LE GTX Titan X VGA waterblock. This unit is constructed for the Titan X video card. The rear plate is anodized. The RGB ALED lighting can be managed during runtime with the help of the controller. This useful device lets users easily change the lighting colour by pushing a button. A useful PWM signal extension cable is added.

An elegant Komodo NV-LE GTX Titan X VGA waterblock represents the «Luxury Edition» VGA water units line. Its RGB ALED lighting system works with all Swiftech's X2 series CPU coolers. The supply kit contains all components, needed to enable the lighting system. A PWM signal extension cable helps control a level of noise and a process of cooling in systems with discrete video graphics array cooling loops.

The cooling system is designed to provide cooling of such important components as memory, GPU, power MOS transistors and other power units enumerated in NVidia's Thermal Solutions Design Guide. At the …

The XS700 Portable SSD by Toshiba Is Supplied with a 3-Year Warranty and a 450 mm I/F Cable

The Toshiba Company has announced its latest external solid-state drives line, called Toshiba XS700. At the moment this series includes only one model of the 240 GB capacity. The device is produced in a regular 2.5-inch form factor; the framework height is extended, though. Dimensions are 95 х 75 х 11 mm, weight is 90 g. 


Toshiba developers applied the combination of the 3D BiCS TLC NAND microchip and the Phison S11 controller. The specialty is equipped with a front-end USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C port, and commutation is ensured by the VIA VL715 chip, which means USB-attached SCSI (UASP) protocol is also supported. Owing to such specifications the transfer read speed in ATTO Disk Benchmark reaches 530 MBps, while the transfer write speed – 480 MBps.


Regretfully, we have no news about Toshiba XS700 SSD’s cost now. But we are armed with information that the novelty will be retailed, possessing a …

Air-Cooler Evercool Silent Shark Review

Evercool has been conquering the market of cooling components and wholesome systems for almost twenty years already. Its arsenal basically consists of models targeting entry-level and budgetary segment. However, the company has lately introduced a range of high-quality products which can be applied in powerful PC systems. Air-cooler Silent Shark is an atypical representative of Evercool’s product line, if viewed from price and layout respect. It enjoys at least one unique feature, as well as a bunch of standard ones, the combination of which gives durability, efficiency, and power.

Framework Peculiarities

Evercool Silent Shark features quite impressive dimensions: 165 mm (h) x 140 mm (w) x 166 mm (l). The framework itself contains a two-section aluminum heatsink, six copper heat pipes that pierce a copper base, a plastic lid, and two powerful fans. One of the fans is located between the sections, while the other – at one of the external heatsink faces. Each section …

Storage devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Storage devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Storage devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Storage devices

Il-komponenti tal-kompjuter qed jinbidlu kontinwament, iż-żieda sodisfazzjon tal-klijent billi joffru l-titjib tad-disinn u msaħħa l-kapaċitajiet. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-ħżin tal-apparat, l-Armament li kull sena hija aġġornata bl-uniku prodotti ġodda!

Biex jissostitwixxi bil-mod u baxx-kapaċità tal-diski manjetiċi daħal illum għolja b'veloċità li tista'taħżen ammont kbir ta'dejta. Dawn huma kollha f'relazzjoni diretta mal-kompjuter, li jgħinu biex installa s-sewwieqa għall-ħżin tal-apparat.

L-aktar tipi komuni ta ' dejta tal-imħażen huma:

  • iebes issuq (LG). Għalkemm LG gradwalment mbuttat tas-suq aktar soluzzjonijiet innovattivi, dawn jibqgħu pjaċir kbir il-volum u l-relattivament mgħaġġla tal-veloċità tal-aqra/jikteb id-data. Sabiex jiġu sodisfatti ħtiġijiet dejjem akbar tal-utenti, xi manifatturi jipproduċu l-mudelli ma sa 3TB tal-ħażna!
  • stat solidu issuq (dettalji minuri). Ħafna HUWAl-esperti jsostnu li l - dettalji minuri li jissostitwixxu diffiċli tiegħek. Huma joffru estremament għolja dejta tal-veloċità tat-trasferiment, bis-saħħa ta'veloċità għolja tal-interface SATA II (3 GB/sec)/SATA III (6 GB/sec), u l-ħażna, l-ammont li jistgħu jammontaw għal mijiet ta'€;
  • USB flash-sewqan. Dawn il-żgħar tal-ħażna mezzi jippermettu li inti sforz kopja u jimxu id-dejta mill-PC wieħed għall-ieħor. Għall-ħidma tiegħu "flash" ma jeħtieġu l-ebda konnessjoni il-kejbils, l-ebda speċjali software, l-ebda indipendenti tal-provvista tal-enerġija. Vantaġġi ewlenin tagħhom huma kompatt, l-portabbiltà, attraenti-disinn, il-veloċità għolja tal-trasferiment tal-informazzjoni u d-disponibbiltà;
  • tan-netwerk tal-ħżin (NAS, DAS, SAN). L-NAS huwa kapaċi jissodisfaw il-ħżin ma wieħed iżda kompjuters multipli konnessi fuq tan-netwerk lokali. Biex jgħaqqdu l-netwerk u l-iskambju tad-dejta bejn il-magni, huwa rakkomandat li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall-ħżin tal-apparat ta'tip partikolari. Fis-sistema, il-NAS l-atti bħala fajl tal-server jipprovdu aċċess għall-informazzjoni għal partikolari il-Protokoll.

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