Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Asus Outs 24-Inch VG245H Monitor

Asus is known for innovation. There is small wonder that its latest monitor, entitled VG245H, supports AMD FreeSync technology via HDMI, although initially this facility was available only via DisplayPort connection. It goes without saying that it’s not the only attraction of a new 24-inch monitor with 16:9 aspect ratio.

Asus VG245H is based on TN panel with Full HD resolution (1920x1080). Its response time index makes up 1 ms, whereas viewing angles still should be improved (170/160 degrees). The display is housed on a functional stand which supports height, tilt, swivel, and aspect adjustments. According to Asus, the dynamic refresh rate might vary from 40 Hz to 75 Hz; such stunning showings ensure top-tier imaging without artifacts.

The integrated panel ensures the maximal brightness index up to 250 cd/m2, dynamic contrast index up to 100M:1 and the display of up to 16.7 million colors. There is a possibility to connect audio peripherals thanks to the inbuilt 3.5-mm …

The New ViewSonic NMP660 Chromebox Mini PC May Perform the Function of the Domestic Multi Media Center

The developer markets the latest ViewSonic NMP660 Chromebox as a solution for offices or educational institutions. It may also serve either for computer classrooms/convention halls arrangement or for usage instead of a multimedia player for digital signboards/displays. On top of everything, the device may effectively perform the function of a domestic multimedia center or a standard office appliance.


The novelty is controlled via the Google Management console. The security functions set includes the autoupdate, the sandbox, the Verified Boot Control option, the encryption capability, the TPM module and the ordinary renewal process.


ViewSonic NMP660 Chromebox is based on the 2-core Intel Celeron 3865U (2/2 x 1.8 GHz) processor with the Intel HD Graphics 610 (300–900 MHz) integrated graphics unit. The volume of the preinstalled DDR4 RAM memory equals 4 GB, while the capacity of the embedded SSD is 32 GB. The SD card reader …

Monitor Dell U2713HM is Already in the Japanese Market

Right after the recent release of laptop series, Dell announced the release of a new monitor, codenamed U2712HM. Moreover, this model can be already found in the Japanese market and costs approximately $635. The major peculiarity and attraction for the potential consumers is the implementation of AH-IPS array type in the development of the monitor. AH-IPS promotes for the overall improvement of color rendering and enlargement of viewing angles to 178 degrees (horizontal and vertical).

The newly arrived model has got 27-inch display and supports WQHD resolution of 2560x1440. The display is furnished with array LED lighting which is designated to provide for better contrast level. Each customer will have a wonderful opportunity to get evidences of the high-quality imaging, since the monitor offers the maximal static display contrast of 1000:1 and the maximal brightness that equals to 350 cd/m2.

At the same time, this monitor is considered to be power-saving, despite the …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Videorecorders mill-kumpanija Geovision Inc. mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

Moderna reġistraturi bil-vidjo huma użati ħafna llum kemm fil-kumpaniji u l-miri individwali. Kameras, monitors, lentijiet, reġistraturi u moderni oħra tagħmir joffri firxa sħiħa ta'servizzi fuq l-organizzazzjoni tal-sorveljanza bil-vidjo lokali u territorjali oġġetti. Għall-implimentazzjoni effettiva ta'l-għanijiet ta'l-oġġetti ta'monitoraġġ huwa meħtieġ li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għall-vidjo-reġistraturi.

Mezzi ta'reġistrazzjoni jistgħu jinstabu fi kważi kull uffiċċju, tax-xiri tal-sala u fil-manifattura, fejn huwa meħtieġ biex jeżerċitaw il-kontroll fuq il-proċess tax-xogħol, il-viżitaturi u l-klijenti. Ħafna drabi s-sorveljanza monitors huma installati fi djar privati biex jimplimenta l-miżuri tas-sigurtà tal-proprjetà. Dak li nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-personali-mezzi tat-trasport hawn, għar-reġistraturi – universali l-attributi ta'sigurtà personali u l-kontroll!

Ta'min jinnota li minbarra l-reġistrazzjoni, il-video-reġistratur, għandhom ħafna oħra bl-istess mod utli-funzjonijiet: il-monitoraġġ, l-arkivjar tad-dejta, l-wiri tal-rekords, remot-aċċess għad-dejta, quick-tfittxija tiegħek mixtieqa-rekords, kif ukoll il-funzjonijiet ta'l-allarm permezz tal-mozzjoni ditekters.

Il-funzjonalità ta ' l-apparat u l-kwalità tal-materjal huwa influwenzat bil-parametri li ġejjin:

  • jintużaw il-komponent tal-bażi;
  • il-prestazzjoni tal-CPU/kontrollur;
  • l-ammont tal-MUNTUN;
  • il-ħażna daqs;
  • ir-rilevanza tal-installati-sewwieqa.

L-aħħar il-parametru huwa ta'importanza partikolari bħala sewwieqa għall-vidjo reġistraturi tittejjeb l-effiċjenza ta'l-sistema. Biex tniżżel kurrenti tas-sewwieq li jiżgura konformità sħiħa tal-installat softwer tal-konness-apparat (PC, laptop, eċċ.) u jippermetti li l-ħin biex jottimizzaw il-sistema għall-kondizzjonijiet ġodda ta'xogħol.

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