ID yoki qurilmaning nomi bilan haydovchilar

Ma'lum qurilma: 165022367

Oxirgi ma'lum haydovchi: 23.12.2020


Meeting Ballistix Elite DDR4 Memory from Micron Technology

As part of Crucial brand, Micron Technology comes out with a new generation of RAM – the Ballistix Elite DDR4. It is developed in a pure black PCB with a powerful heatspreader and an integrated thermal sensor. Initially, the company releases planks of 4 GB and 8 GB, although in retail sale the products will be available in 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB kits. Pricing is unknown so far.

Crucial Ballistix Elite DDR4 memory operates at 2666 MHz frequency and boasts 21 Gb/sec throughput index. Its power-efficient facilities are 40% better than those inherent in DDR3 models with analogous clock frequency. This makes gaming process a delight due to intense responsiveness, optimized latencies, and increased frame rates.

The modules support XMP 2.0 profiles as well as Ballistix Memory Overview Display utilities; the latter track the performance of each module, analyzing temperature, voltage and frequency showings in real time. Furthermore, Micron Technology makes its DDR4 compatible …

The Latest Sony PSZ-HC1T and PSZ-HC2T External Hard Drives Are Splash/Dust-Protected

The Sony Corporation launches new PSZ-HC1T and PSZ-HC2T external hard drives of 1 and 2 TB capacity respectively. These devices with USB interface operate hard drives and are aimed at pro utilizing supposing memory card backup and involvement of education, corporate and other apps.

The cable with the USB-A connector is made fast, so there’s no chance to lose or leave it behind. One can also use benefits of the USB-C port. The substantially quick-operating drives are pre-formatted in exFAT and ensure data forwarding at the speed of up to 138 MBps in the read and write modes.

Other positive points include protection against damage as a result of falling from 2 m height. PSZ-HC1T and PSZ-HC2T are safe from splash (IPX4 rate) and dust (IP5X rate) impact. A rubber cap secures the USB-C type connector.

New portable storage solutions by Sony are supplied in a firm package for extra protection during delivery. The manufacturer plans to launch PSZ-HC1T and PSZ-HC2T sales in …

Xigmatek Outs Midgard III Case with Wireless Charger Dock

Xigmatek, a renowned Taiwanese designer of prime-class PC hardware, has launched a follower of the well-known Midgard case series – the Midgard III. It features 409(d)x515(h)x260(w) mm dimensions, always ready to accommodate mini-ITX, micro-ATX, and standard ATX motherboards. The case has got a sleek stern design, though is peculiar by the availability of a unique wireless charger station (Qi standard), leaving all competitors way behind (in terms of connectivity).

Xigmatek Midgard III comes with three external 5.25-inch bays, eight internal 3.5/2.5-inch bays, and seven expansion slots for add-ons. The framework is predestined to accommodate standard ATX/EPS power supply units, CPU coolers of 160 mm in height, graphics cards of 330 mm in length, and heatsinks of 300x50 mm dimensional type. The hidden in the top-front facet I/O panel houses Reset button, a pair of USB 3.0 ports, the same number of USB 2.0 ports, and two audio in/out sockets.

Optimal airflow within the …

Monitors, ishlab chiqaruvchilar.

Bu sahifada s haydovchilar shlab chiqaruvchilar ro'yxatini topishingiz mumkin, bizning veb-saytida yuklab olishingiz mumkin. chiqib, munosib bir haydovchi uchun eng yaxshi qidirish bizning bazasida mavjud, sizning ishlab chiqaruvchi tanlash 0an s 25142 bu bo'limda taqdim etilgan.

DevID : : Monitors

Kompyuter – axborot vizual ko'rsatish uchun, bir qurilma kuzatib borish. Albatta, bu muddat eng ibtidoiy tushuntirish, ajam va ilg'or foydalanuvchi uchun tushunarli bo'ladi. Zamonaviy monitorlar tizimli topgan bir uy, bir displey (ekran), elektr ta'minoti va nazorat kengashlari bor, lekin har bir modeli apparat sezilarli darajada farq qiladi. Amalga oshirilayotgan xususiyatlari har qanday to'g'ri faoliyat ko'rsatishi uchun monitorlar uchun maxsus dasturlar haydovchi bilan tanishish.

Arsenal yangi KOMPYUTER modellari bilan muntazam ravishda yangilanib. Bosh sahifa/ofis/o'yin uchun o'ng qurilma tanlashda e'tibor bering, nima qilish kerak?

Agar optimal yechim tanlash uchun yordam beradi, deb halda mezonlari, bir qator bor:

  • ekranni diagonal. Diagonal yoki shunchaki ekran hajmi 15 32 dyuym farq qilishi mumkin. Oddiy uchun ichki maqsadlar standart diagonal (17-19 dyuym) bilan hal yondashuv bo'ladi. Agar monitor TV, multimedia yoki grafik ekran sifatida ishlatiladi bo'lsa, yaxshiroq katta hajmi bilan modellari uchun afzal berishi kerak;
  • format. Bozorda bugun, 16:9/16:10 tomoni bir nisbati bilan odatdagi qurilmalar 4:3 tashqari, format, formatli monitorlar orqali boshqariladi. Ularning hukmronligi eng yangi filmlar, kliplar va o'yinlar bu formatda ishlab chiqilib, deb aslida tufaylidir;
  • ekran o'lchamlari. Ekran ostida qarori tez-tez nuqta-piksel umumiy soni bo'lib, vertikal va gorizontal tushuniladi. Bu nuqta, firibgar va yaxshi tasvir ko'proq. Monitor qarorlari Full HD (1920x1080 piksel) optimal yechim uchun har qanday ko'rgazmali maqsadlari. Lekin texnologiyasi hali turgan emas va hozir oliy qarori bilan bozor mavjud modellari bo'yicha, siz bir vaqtning o'zida ekranda bir necha Windows qo'yish imkonini beradi, – 2560x1440,;
  • yorug'lik. Yaxshilash uchun rang ko'paytirish ko'rsatish va kamaytirish, uning kuchi iste'mol ishlab chiqaruvchilari uchun xissa joriy yilda qurilma LED yorug'lik (olib keldi). Model LED texnologiyasi ko'proq qimmat ko'ra standart lampochka, lekin operatsiya chiqadi bo'lishi uchun juda energiya samarali;
  • matrix turi. Monitor narxi amaliy matrix turiga bog'liq. Bor qurilmalar bo'yicha matrisler tonnani, toshko'mir, IPS ekrani egalik, PLS va, VA. Matrisler tonnani, toshko'mir uchun ko'rib chiqilishi eng mavjud, chunki ular olmadi ta'minlash uchun keng ko'rish yuritadigan. Ularning asosiy afzalligi – dinamik tasvir silliq ijro etish uchun minimal javob vaqt. Matrisler IPS bor xarakterlanadi tomonidan maksimal ko'rish yuritadigan, ajoyib rang ko'paytirish, lekin mumkin emas maqtana tez javob. Matrisler PLS ta'minlash, yuqori yorqinligi va keng ko'rish jihatdan emas, balki ta'minlash imkoniyatiga ega tez javob. Nihoyat, matrix VA ularning navlari PVA/MVA bor yuqori farqli tasvirlar bilan optimal rang ko'paytirish va kichik javob vaqt; maqsadida, tasvir sifatini yaxshilash va optimallashtirish parametrlari uchun sizning shaxsiy kerak, siz kerak yuklab olish uchun haydovchilar uchun kuzatib, bepul;
  • audio. Eng zamonaviy monitorlar orqali karnay shaklida qurilgan-audio subsystem bilan bozorga kelgan. Albatta, ovoz sifati qismi tashqi ma'ruzachilar uchun hech qanday o'rinbosar ular bor, lekin bir TV sifatida qurilma yordamida qachon maxsus istaklari bilan tanishish imkoniyatiga ega, ular juda;
  • paneli kirish/chiqish. Tashqi qurilmalar (noutbuklar, o'yin pristavkalari, va h. k.) ulanish monitorlar maxsus natijalar bilan jihozlangan. Eng ko'p tomonlama, ularni – HDMI mumkin uzatish, video va ovoz raqamli formatda, shuningdek, DVI uzatish, video signal raqamli formatda.

Mashhur toifali haydovchi Monitors