ID yoki qurilmaning nomi bilan haydovchilar

Ma'lum qurilma: 165022367

Oxirgi ma'lum haydovchi: 23.12.2020


SilverStone Announces Precision PS13 Chassis

SilverStone has added to its inventory a straightforward-styled mid-tower chassis. Entitled Precision PS13, the new-comer features 426x400x126 mm dimensions and weighs 3.36 kg. It is targeting micro-ATX/ATX motherboards with the maximum of 7 expansion slots. The all-black frontal panel houses a large fine-meshed grille that optimizes airflow within the case. Pricing is set at $41.25.

SilverStone Precision PS13 allows installing a pair of external 5.25-inch drives and one external 3.5-inch drive. Internal layout stipulates the installation of three more 3.5-/2.5-inch drives. Spacing is enough for quite long videocards (up to 348 mm), typical ATX PS/2 power supply units (up to 174 mm in length) and standard CPU coolers (up to 162 mm in height).

The model is available in two body variations: with (SST-PS13B-W) and without a side transparent window. Cooling is ensured by means of a single preinstalled 120-mm frontal fan. Additionally, it’s feasible to integrate five other …

Buffalo Announces HD-PCFU3-C Wearables

Buffalo Technology is about to release its newest line of wearable hard drives. Codenamed HD-PCFU3-C, the products will be available in three capacity versions: 500 GB, 1 TB, and 2 TB. All of them allow as pure black so pure white exterior design. The models will be backed by 1 year limited warranty.

The Buffalo HD-PCFU3-C external HDs are housed in solid aluminum cases and equipped with a high-speed USB 3.0 interface. The latter might be used both for data transfer as well as charge-in purposes; put it otherwise, the user will be saved from the necessity to buy an additional AC adaptor.

Pricewise, the cheapest solutions are 500 GB HD-PCF500U3-BC and HD-PCF500U3-WC with the price tag of $90. The HD-PCF1.0U3-BWC and HD-PCF1.0U3-BBC of 1 TB capacity will cost about $110, whereas their senior companions, the PCF2.0U3-GBC and HD-PCF2.0U3-GWC of 2 TB capacity, will go as high as $165. Shipping is to start in early January 2015.

BenQ Unveils a New Professional PC Monitor BL2710PT

BenQ does not hold out a hope of overtaking its direct competitors in PC display market. In this light, the company has unveiled one more monitor, entitled BenQ BL2710PT, that is predestined to be employed by professional designers and application developers. The model features 27-inch display, aspect ratio of 16:9 and might boast a really striking original resolution of 2560x1440, due to the incorporation of AHVA panel. The latter has got a power-saving LED backlit that substantially reduces power consumption on various operational conditions.

To continue with the monitor’s specifications, it’s necessary to mention that the user will always receive qualitative imaging, as the response time equals to 4 ms only. In addition, BL2710PT boasts wide viewing angles of 178/178 degrees (down/across), 100% sRGB color surrounding, 350 nits brightness, and a quite amazing contrast ratio of 12M:1 (dynamic), whereas static contrast is typical: 1000:1.

Monitor BenQ BL2710PT is …

Processors, ishlab chiqaruvchilar.

Bu sahifada s haydovchilar shlab chiqaruvchilar ro'yxatini topishingiz mumkin, bizning veb-saytida yuklab olishingiz mumkin. chiqib, munosib bir haydovchi uchun eng yaxshi qidirish bizning bazasida mavjud, sizning ishlab chiqaruvchi tanlash 0an s 25142 bu bo'limda taqdim etilgan.

DevID : : Processors

Protsessor KOMPYUTER apparat, tizza, mobil qurilmalar, virtual mashinalari, tarmoq saqlash, va programlanabilir mantiq tekshiruvi asosiy tarkibiy qismi hisoblanadi. Butun tizimi ishlashi uchun javobgar, u emas va, xususan, uning turli komponentlari o'rtasidagi munosabatlar.

Protsessor samaradorligini ishlab chiqarish texnologik jarayoni qoidalariga bog'liq, mikro-arxitektura, markaziy PROTSESSOR chastotasi, quvvat iste'moli va computational yadrolari bajarish. Bo'yicha samaradorligi birinchi ikki parametrlari uchun ta'sir biron-bir tarzda, bu imkonsiz, lekin rahbarlarning ishlashi qolgan mumkin agar siz yuklab olish haydovchilar uchun protsessorlar va amalga oshirish uchun yaxshi tuzatish har bir funktsiyasi.

Bugun, kabi ko'p yillar avval - kurash uchun iste'molchi, bor, ikki ulkan chiqaruvchi protsessor: Intel va AMD. Bu ikki kompaniya muntazam ravishda turli darajadagi (beginner, professional darajasi, sevganlar, testers) iste'molchilar ko'proq ta'sirchan ishlashi bilan yanada kuchli modellari zavq. Qaramay paydo yangi texnologiyalar va muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirish, yangi xususiyatlar uchun optimal operatsiya protsessor hisoblanadi etarli uchun moslashingiz quyidagi sozlash (ko'pincha orqali grafik interfeysi, masalan, BIOS/UEFI BIOS):

  • tizimi avtobus chastota (CPU Soat). CPU ishlashi ma'lum bir darajasi uchun overclock qadar, avtomatik yoki qo'lda tizimi avtobus soat chastota qiymati moslashingiz mumkin;
  • yadro kuchlanish markaziy PROTSESSOR yadrolari/. Overclocking maqsadlari Uchun ball tezlikda operatsion odatda 1.5-1.75 V. o'rtasida bo'lsa, yadro kuchlanish, kuchlanish oshirish kerak (–up 1.85 V cheklash);
  • kesh xotira. Har qanday zamonaviy PROTSESSOR yuqori tezlikdagi kesh xotira bilan jihozlangan. Uning asosiy vazifasi kechikish holda tez-tez ishlatiladigan ma'lumotlar va ko'rsatmalar ularga kirishni ta'minlash uchun saqlash uchun emas. Optimallashtirish uchun kesh xotira operatsiya CPU uchun maxsus haydovchilar javob;
  • energiya iste'moli. Deyarli barcha zamonaviy protsessor energiya tejovchi mexanizmlari, shuningdek, himoya funksiyalari bilan jihozlangan. Birinchi mo'ljallangan kamaytirish uchun energiya iste'moli ostida turli daraja yuk CPU va ikkinchi bor mo'ljallangan himoya qilish uchun chip dan qizib da oliy voltages/chastotalar tomonidan o'chirib butlovchilar da maksimal yuk yoki oddiy;
  • xato o'zgarishlar bilan yangilash, GUI - BIOS Yangilash. Bu xususiyatlarini o'z ichiga oladi uzatish dasturiy ta'minot dan microcode BIOS uchun protsessor holda aniqlash xatolar ish CPU. Odatda xatolar chiquvchilar o'zlari tomonidan aniqlangan va ularning bartaraf etish maqsadida yangilangan firmware interfeysi beriladi.

Mashhur toifali haydovchi Processors