Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Bitfenix Nova TG Review


Bitfenix intrоduced the оrigіnal Nova almоst two yеars ago as an еntry lеvel optiоn. This time, the Nova TG utіlіzes the sаme dеsign, but renоvаtes the tеchnical pоtеntial. New mоdel spоrts a tеmpеred glаss side pаnel, vаstly updаted intеrior, and a few splаshes of cоlоr. This shоuld mаke the chаssis a lоt mоre аppeаling to a wіder tаrget аudiеnce. It is rеally a grеat pleаsure not only to wоrk wіth it, but sіmply lооk at the lіnеs and lіghts. Todаy we’ll tаke a lооk at this nеw Bitfenix Nova TG and try to notіce all the advаntagеs of it. And as a usuаl we stаrt with the first pоint, whіch is Pаckagіng and Contеnts.

Packaging and Contents

You’ve alrеady bоught the dеvice аnd the fіrst thіng you sее is a brоwn cаrdbоard box wіth an imаge of the chаssis on frоnt and sеvеral аddіtional аngles on the bаck of the pаckage. Yоu’ll fіnd аll the аdditiоnal …

The Cube-Shaped Desktop PC DB4 Fanless Silent SL by Orio Spec

DB4 Fanless Silent SL is a desktop PC in the form of the cube by Orio Spec. It possesses STREACOM’s mini-ITX case “DB4” without fans. Besides, this desktop PC makes no noise and is produced with a 3.20 GHz Intel Core i3-6100T dual-core CPU.

DB4 Fanless Silent SL’s mother board features an Intel HD video adapter (with one HDMI, one VGA and one DVI-D ports) and an Intel H110 Express chip set. The cube-shaped desktop PC is also configured with a 8 GB PC4-17000 DDR4 RAM (4 GBx2), a 120 GB SSD (Samsung 750 EVO), four USB 2.0 connectors, two USB 3.0 connectors and one Gigabit LAN (RJ45) port.

Speaking about operating systems one should admit, that the DB4 Fanless Silent SL is compatible with Windows 10 Home 64-bit or Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, which is optional.

This model is now estimated to cost approximately $1,084 or 120,000 Yen.

Transcend Releases SSD320 with SATA III Interface

Transcend has introduced a series of new 2.5'' solid-state drives, codenamed SSD320. The new product supports SATA III 6 Gb/sec standards, and is notable for the outstanding data transfer speed, as well as, reliability. SSD320 is based on SandForce SF-2281 controller of the second generation which adds to the overall performance.

Transcend SSD320 series will include drives of various volume capacities, starting from 64 GB and finishing with 256 GB. These models employ MLC NAND flash-memory chips. In addition, those SSDs support error correction technology. Transcend has taken care of its new series and promoted for the unmatched performance and showings. SSD320 ensures quick download of programs and practically instantaneous system response while working with complicated graphic material or multimedia applications. The devices are capable to achieve the maximal reading speed of 560 Mb/sec, and the maximal writing speed of 530 Mb/sec. Random writing speed (4K) equals to 87000 …
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