Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


NAS TS-219P II from QNAP Review

The choice of NAS for home use is frequently accompanied by the dilemma: the necessity to acquire a high-end device with multifunctional facilities at reasonable price. As usual, quality and good performance cost pretty penny, especially when it comes about innovative technologies; however, there are some NAS designers which provide their products at moderate cost but do not save on quality. Thus, QNAP company has released its new NAS solution TS-219P II designated as for home so for small business use. This model isn’t notable for outstanding design or ergonomics but offers efficient solution of any dedicated home assignments due to wide functional capabilities and good performance.


1. External design. QNAP TS-219P II goes in standard design with typical casing peculiarities. All internal components are fixed on a solid metallic framework, while the external casing is made of dull plastic. The faceplate is equipped with a plastic wafer which contains five …

Siebel Loyalty Management 8.2.2 as Effective Business Solution

In times of headlong production, trade and service development, medium- and large-scale companies have to lock horns with their competitors in order to win the targeted customer groups. The increase of client base and business expansion comes to the limelight on such conditions. The struggle with competitors gets more constructive shape due to the software business opportunities which information technology provides. Oracle corporation, which established solid reputation in software development market, has recently released a new version of business loyalty program entitled Siebel Loyalty Management 8.2.2. This program is targeted at companies that make business on retail sale and issuance of financial, travel and telecommunication services.

Improved functional characteristics of Siebel Loyalty Management 8.2.2 are supposed to be its major advantage. Those characteristics allow the companies not only to increase the clientele, but also to retain the market positions. The …

Huge Size, Adaptive-Sync Tech and DisplayHDR 1000 Certification – All of This in the Philips Momentum 436M6VBPAB Monitor from MMD

The Taiwan MMD company, releasing Philips-branded monitors, is going to start delivering the Momentum 436M6VBPAB display, based on the 43-inch VA matrix with the 3840 x 2160 pixels resolution. The novelty is distinguished due to the Adaptive-Sync technology support and DisplayHDR 1000 certification.


The manufacturer designed Philips Momentum 436M6VBPAB to act as an analogue of UHD-TV-sets. The refreshment rate makes this device attractive for PC gamers and playstations owners.


Philips Momentum 436M6VBPAB ensures the 97.6 % covering of the DCI-P3 colour gamut, while featuring the 1000 cd/m² peak brightness, 50 000 000:1 dynamic contrast and 4 ms response time. In the meantime, the display update rate is limited to 60 Hz. Image output is conducted via HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort 1.2, Mini DisplayPort and USB Type-C ports. The specialty is also supplied with 7 W speakers and the USB 3.0 hub.


Philips Momentum …
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Inti tista'wkoll titlob għall-għajnuna biex isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_1038&PID_1603&MI_03 fil-grupp tagħna fl-netwerk soċjali VKontakte.

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