Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Microsoft’s Undertakings in Open-Source Soft Sphere

Microsoft Corporation is known for its high performance and compliance with the demands of contemporary consumers. In this light, Microsoft has recently created a subsidiary company, Microsoft Open Technologies, which is called to develop and improve the software with the open-source code. Among other responsibilities of newly-created company, Microsoft Open Technologies is entitled with the liability to track and manage all the corporate investments directed to the open-source software sphere.

It should be stated that software with the open source code is a quite promising sphere in IT field. This is explained by the fact that such soft allows developing, changing, replenishing, and polishing the programs and applications by different users at once. This becomes possible due to the open source code available for several users simultaneously. Microsoft Open Technologies will serve also the unifying factor for the multiple companies and communities that long for cooperation with …

New Freezer 12/12 CO Coolers Push the Arctic Company Forward

On a recent day, the Arctic Co. has broadened its CPU coolers range with the Freezer 12 and Freezer 12 CO (CO means “continuous operation”) samples under the ACFRE00027A and ACFRE00030A code names.

The heatsink is the same for both coolers; fans are different, though. The Freezer 12 fan is built on a hydrodynamic bearing, and Freezer 12 CO is based on a fan with a dual ball bearing, which operates extremely long comparing to the better part of models.

The heat dissipator is designed so, that U-shaped 6 mm copper heat pipes stay in touch with each other, thus enhancing the cooling system productivity. The aluminium pressure plate and 45 bent radiator fins also contribute to that.

Fans start to operate at the PWM signal with 40 % pulse width and ensure passive CPU cooling while completing trivial tasks. This lets coolers work silently during such periods. The ultimate noise rate is 22.5 dBA, and the max speed comes up to 2,000 rpm.

Both Arctic novelties support …

AeroCool Showcases a Pair of Strike X Xtreme Gaming Chassis

AeroCool has replenished its line of gaming PC chassis with two new models, codenamed Strike X Xtreme Black Edition and Strike X Xtreme White Edition. Both cases are distinguished by an enhanced framework reliability and a sophisticated cooling system. Plus, an upgraded functionality allows for the creation of various powerful system configurations.

AeroCool Strike X Xtreme chassis are developed in mid-tower form-factor and are housed in solid steel cases (SECC) with voluminous ventilation grids. Internal layout is sufficient for the installation of ATX or micro-ATX motherboards, graphics cards of up to 293 mm in length, and CPU tower-like coolers of up to 172 mm in height. In addition, internal framework stipulates the integration of seven PCI-cards, four 5.25-inch devices (all with an output to the frontal facet), and of six 3.5-inch drives. The nominal delivery kit also contains a dedicated adapter for the installation of 2.5-inch SSD devices.

Both cases are ready to …
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USB\VID_1532&PID_004C&MI_ 02

fil tiegħu database tas-sewwieqa.

Kienu inti jippruvaw isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_1532&PID_004C&MI_02 iżda fittex ma tingħata l-riżultat mixtieq? Ma disperazzjoni, dan jista'jseħħ għal diversi raġunijiet. Biex isolvu l-kwistjoni, tipprova twettaq il-passi li ġejjin:

  1. Iċċekkja l-ortografija ta'l-apparat tal-IDENTITÀ.
  2. Jippruvaw jibdlu mistoqsija tfittxija tiegħek jew fittex mill-apparat tal-isem (neħħi l-SUBSYS u REV-valuri).
  3. Niżżel DevID Aġent awtomatiċi tax-xandir.

Inti tista'wkoll titlob għall-għajnuna biex isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_1532&PID_004C&MI_02 fil-grupp tagħna fl-netwerk soċjali VKontakte.

Jekk l-passi msemmija hawn fuq ma jgħinu fit-tfittxija għall-meħtieġ tas-sewwieq, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana bl-e-mail u aħna se jikkunsidra t-talba Tiegħek bla dewmien.

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