According to proven sources, Intel is considering the release the more rapid alternative to quad processor Core i7-3770K, which currently heads the line of Ivy Bridge to the mass market. This happens if the Corporation of Santa Clara will feel the hard pressure from the only competitor (AMD), which is actively working on the first chip Piledriver — FX-8350, FX-8320 and FX-8300. The release of a hypothetical «Core i7-3790K» with a frequency of 3.6 GHz can be held in the I quarter 2013.
The version of «3770-th» with blocked by increased factor (without the suffix K) will not be finished later, in the II quarter of next year, will give way to one of the members of the family Haswell.
Accordingly, the reinforcements will receive the platform LGA2011, which now covers the rear of the quad-core Core i7-3820. Strategies at Intel, most probably also will be limited to the addition of 100 MHz. About a year later models Sandy Bridge-E recede into the background in favor of …