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Which DDR3 SDRAM is better for Ivy Bridge

The overclocker memory is now in the category of products for perfectionists, still the common users are pleased with usual modules DDR3-1600 or DDR3-1333 SDRAM. The issue appears related to the release of processors Ivy Bridge series, which in some aspects are similar to its predecessors, still have some distinctive features.

Ivy Bridge processors are restricted on the maximum frequency supported by the DDR3 SDRAM. This indicates the theoretical chance of these processors work with high-speed memory DDR3-3200 SDRAM. Developers of overclocker memory package perceived the change in rules with certain enthusiasm: there are DDR3-2400 modules available in stores. The gap in frequencies of «elite» and «running» versions of the memory has grown twice in size. It won’t have a noteworthy blow on the work of commonly used tasks in systems.

The memory controller in the Ivy Bridge can work both in symmetric mode, with delay, frequency and volume modules in memory channels, and in compatibility mode the Intel Flex Memory Technology. When optimal memory should be chosen, there is a question to consider: to reduce delays or to increase the frequency of the memory.

Ivy Bridge processors are now more dynamic than its precursors; its requirement for quick information processing has enlarged. It is probable that the situation, with quick memory like DDR3-1600 or DDR3-1333 which was fairly sufficient for most requirements of the processor, has chanced. An important involvement to overcome this line can be made by a new graphics core, by an ordinary subsystem of memory along with counting cores. The work of graphic core in the Ivy Bridge has risen considerably, and memory capacity of GPU is one of the basic features, making a straight effect on the texturing speed. It is sensible to wait for: if not a conventional performance of computer, than for actually high-integrated graphics demonstrating dependence on the latency and frequency of installed in system modules DDR3 SDRAM.

The development of used in the Intel Memory Controllers was multistage and long. Engineers have reached the best system concerning the architecture of the memory controller Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge which are almost impossible to differentiate. As a foundation for the even performance of the novel controller, was introduced Sandy Bridge ring in-chip bus. For all graphics and computing cores, there is an identical admission provided and the quickest transmit to a cache of third-level. The top information rate exchange increases considerably, and the Core processors for LGA1155-systems are appreciably ahead in memory tests among all its competitors.

Most importantly, in the Ivy Bridge the opportunity to set the frequency DDR3 SDRAM at very high values, which were not previously available, even in systems for the enthusiast. However, mentioned the impressive difference in performance is obtained by doubling the frequency of the memory, one 266-MHz step translates into a modest 2-3 percent increase in speed. Therefore, a rational approach to selecting the memory seems to find the best option in terms of the ratio of the working frequency of the modules and its prices. Quite reasonable solution to such a position might be an option for systems based on Ivy Bridge modules up to DDR3-2133 SDRAM, but not high-speed.

The study on dependency of platform performance, built on the basis of the new processors with the micro-Ivy Bridge, on the parameters of the memory subsystem can be concluded that compared to Intel's previous generation platforms, there are no fundamental changes have occurred. Ivy Bridge memory controller is largely similar to the controller Sandy Bridge, and at the same settings, it even works with almost the same speed.
  • 0
  • 10 August 2012, 17:52
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