Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Gigabyte Debuts with Socket AM1 Motherboards

Gigabyte is the first among AMD’s partners to introduce proprietary motherboards for an upcoming Socket AM1 platform. Initially the AM1 series will comprise only two models: the GA-AM1M-S2P and the GA-AM1M-S2H. Both feature micro-ATX form-factor and are supposed to house AMD Athlon/Sempron APUs. They employ two DIMM slots for the integration of up to 32 GB DDR3 memory with 1600 MHz frequency. The release is scheduled for March when the platform is officially introduced.

Gigabyte motherboards have got two SATA III 6 Gb/sec ports for the expansion of storage, one PCIe 2.0 x16, one PCIe x1 and one PCI connector for the connection of add-ons. Network functional consists of gigabit controller from Realtek, whereas audio functional is laid upon 7.1-channel HAD Realtek ALC 887 codec.

The differentiation between the two models lies in the set of internal/external interfaces. Hence, the GA-AM1M-S2P comes with two PS/2 ports, one D-Sub port, four USB ports (3.0 + 2.0), one RJ-45, …

AOC AG241QX – Best Monitors for Gamers


Many users of desktop computers have been accustomed to the fact that game models of monitors are solutions with a diagonal of 24 to 27 inches, with a resolution of Full HD and a frequency of development from 120 Hz.

The increased resolution not only leads to better picture clarity, but also affects the growth of the loading. 



The monitor AOC AG241QX uses TN + Film-matrix M238DTN01.0 manufactured by AU Optronics. This is a rare 23.8-inch 8-bit (6-bit + FRC) panel with a resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels (WQHD standard), a 16:9 aspect ratio and conventional W-LED backlighting without the use of SHI modulation providing color coverage sRGB. The combination of high resolution and a small diagonal led to an increase in the density of pixels to 123 ppi, which is even higher than most modern 4K models, whose screens are usually much larger.

The model fully corresponds to the chosen styling for the AGON series in general, …

New Midi-Tower Chassis Series Xpredator X1 from Aerocool

The line of chassis designed by Aerocool has been supplemented by a new Xpredator series codenamed X1. The series is developed in midi-tower form-factor and will be of particular interest to gamers and enthusiasts. The chassis is ready to support the motherboards of ATX and micro-ATX standard, CPU coolers up to 158 mm in height and graphics cards up to 400 mm in length. As one might see, internal layout is quite spacious and does not yield to the full-tower models.

Aerocool Xpredator X1 is delivered in black and white edition. Both editions are distinguished by a splashy and provoking design. Black edition combines black casing, scaly red top panel, and grid-like red frontal panel. White edition combines white casing with black inclusions. The casing itself is made of SPCC steel which reliably protects all internal components from adverse external factors.

Xpredator X1 is able to accommodate up to twelve 120 mm fans. Three fans can be installed on the frontal panel, …

, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek USB display adapters mill-kumpanija DisplayLink mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

Minkejja l-progress enormi fl-iżvilupp tal-manifatturi tal-PC kullimkien fl-ebda tgħaġġel biex jintegraw l-prodotti tagħhom mal-web tal-kamera. Minħabba ż-żieda popolarità ta'l-internet tal-vidjo-applikazzjonijiet, id-domanda għall-dawn il-mezzi iżid b'mod esponenzjali. Dan huwa minħabba l-portabbiltà, eleganti-disinn u l-universali il-kompatibbiltà mal-żewġ desktop-telefonija ċellulari u kompjuters, grazzi għall-appoġġ tal-interface USB.

Li jinstallaw kamera web fuq kompjuter, anki novizzi-utent. Għal dan il-għan, huwa meħtieġ li jgħaqqdu l-free ta'veloċità għolja tal-port u installa l-sewwieqa għall - USB - video l-apparat. Fil-maġġoranza tal-każijiet, il-manifatturi joffru proprjetarji software; jekk dan ikun nieqes, l-ħtieġa-sewwieqa inti tista'dejjem issib fuq l-Internet.

Fl-ordni li tibda taħdem bil-żagħżagħ (jew oħra tal-vidjo-apparat), l-ewwel ħaġa li l-PC jeħtieġ li jiġi lokalizzat. Biex tiċċekkja jekk il-sistema jara l-ġdida tal-ħardwer, fit-taqsima "Scanners u l-kameras" fil-menu prinċipali. Hekk kif is-sistema jiskopri l-apparat, tiftaħ tieqa jirrikjedi l-installazzjoni tas-sistema operattiva kompatibbli is-sewwieqa. Wara l-installazzjoni, fuq l-iskrin jidher speċjali l-utilità, li se tniedi l-kamera.

Jekk il-web-Doċċa (oħra tagħmir tal-vidjo) installati/mibnija, iżda l-kompjuter ma'dan, jista ' jkollok bżonn biex taġġorna l-software u tniżżel l-sewwieq għat - USB - video l-apparat. Huwa min jikkunsidra li xi kultant wara l-aġġornament għandek bżonn terġa kkonfigurat l-issettjar tal-immaġni tal - (biex jaġġusta l-reqqa, il-kulur ir-riproduzzjoni, eċċ.), peress li l-sistema jreġġa kollha preċedenti tiegħek.

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