Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Compact PC Samsung Chromebox Review

PC market offers the whole range of customer-oriented products depending on the purpose of their utilization. Therefore, it's not a problem to find a high-end multi-functional PC for managing huge graphic applications and games; neither, it's a problem to search out a compact nettop to fulfill home-based tasks. Samsung Chromebox is a combination of compact design and rather progressive functional. However, despite such attractive specifications, the price for this product might satisfy the budget of any customer.


Nettop Samsung Chromebox is a high-performance hardware platform supplemented by software with the open source code. The product uses Chrome OS based on Linux, and is destined at efficient work with web-applications. The most attractive feature of the Chromebox is its price. The average market cost equals to $329; such cost is able to exceed similar products from other manufacturers and draw the lion's share of potential customer groups.

Chromebox is …

Distinctive Features of Motherboard ROG Maximus V Extreme from Asus

The past several days were marked by the official presentation of a new motherboard from Asus company. The new product, codenamed ROG Maximus V Extreme, is based on Intel Z77 chip and supports Intel Core processors of the second and third generations. The major distinctive feature of the motherboard is the availability of the integrated Thunderbolt interface and a range of exclusive overclocking and monitoring attachments. ROG Maximus V Extreme is furnished with five PCI Express 3.0 slots and is able to support such graphics technologies as AMD CrossFire, LucidLogix Virtu MVP, and Nvidia SLI.

Asus designers have taken care about the multitask capabilities of their motherboards, so equipped their products with the controller of Thunderbolt interface. Its bandwidth capacity approximates 10 Gb/sec. This interface is predestinated to attach monitors and peripheral equipment to a single Thunderbolt port at full speed. The nominal delivery set embraces a supplementary OC Key device …

Scythe Intros a Universal CPU Cooler Iori

Scythe, a renowned developer of cooling solutions, introduces a new CPU cooler, entitled Iori. Due to an offbeat framework, the model is primarily targeting small-sized systems with mini-ITX and micro-ATX motherboards. It is compatible with practically all modern platforms (Intel 775/115x/1366 and AMD FM1/FM2/FM2+/AM2/AM2+/AM3/AM3+), save for Intel LGA2011 and AMD Socket AM1. The cooler is already on free sale at the price tag of 24.50 EUR.

Scythe Iori is all about nickel-plated heatsink with a copper base, three heatpipes that pierce the plates twice, and a single 100 mm axial GlideStream 100 fan, located on the top of the framework. The latter employs a sleeve bearing and supports PWM technology. It enables the variation of rotational speeds within the ranges of 300-1800 RPM. Herein, the fan is able to produce up to 43.74 CFM at the maximal noise level of 26.7 dB.

Taking into account that all the components on the small-sized motherboards’ PCB are tightly soldered, …
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450Mbps Wireless-N Dual B and USB Adapter

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Kienu inti jippruvaw isibu-sewwieq 450Mbps Wireless-N Dual Band USB Adapter iżda fittex ma tingħata l-riżultat mixtieq? Ma disperazzjoni, dan jista'jseħħ għal diversi raġunijiet. Biex isolvu l-kwistjoni, tipprova twettaq il-passi li ġejjin:

  1. Iċċekkja l-ortografija ta'l-apparat tal-IDENTITÀ.
  2. Jippruvaw jibdlu mistoqsija tfittxija tiegħek jew fittex mill-apparat tal-isem (neħħi l-SUBSYS u REV-valuri).
  3. Niżżel DevID Aġent awtomatiċi tax-xandir.

Inti tista'wkoll titlob għall-għajnuna biex isibu-sewwieq 450Mbps Wireless-N Dual Band USB Adapter fil-grupp tagħna fl-netwerk soċjali VKontakte.

Jekk l-passi msemmija hawn fuq ma jgħinu fit-tfittxija għall-meħtieġ tas-sewwieq, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana bl-e-mail u aħna se jikkunsidra t-talba Tiegħek bla dewmien.

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