Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


BenQ Showcases Revolutionary GW2765HT Monitor

BenQ, a renowned Taiwanese manufacturer of high-end visual solutions, has just introduced a new 27-inch monitor, entitled GW2765HT. The new-comer has replenished an award-winning Flicker-free lineup of PC displays, featuring 487x748x224 mm dimensions and 2560x1440 QHD resolution. The key peculiarity ascribed to the model is the support for the RevolutionEye technology that combines a range of useful options. Retail price, set by the company, makes up $549.

Based on IPS panel, BenQ GW2765HT accommodates white LED lighting that substantially reduces power consumption. In keeping with the manufacturer, the new-comer consumes up to 32 W power. The integrated panel offers 4 ms response time, the widest viewing angles – 178/178 H/V, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 1.07 billion of displayed colors, 100% color gamut in sRGB environment, and the maximal of 350 cd/m2 brightness that might be adjusted due to PWM technology.

RevolutionEye technology involves such utilities as Low Blue Light, …

Adata to Launch Budgetary SSD SP600 Series

Adata has lately announced the launch of a new SSD series codenamed SP600. The drive will supplement the company's line of budgetary solutions but will feature high-end specifications. SP600 is going to have SATA III interface with the throughput capacity of 6 Gb/sec. The series will house NAND MLC flash-memory chips and JMicron JMF661 controller.

This way, Adata aims to attract customers who require outstanding performance but, at the same time, who cannot afford buying too expensive drives. In addition, this model will suit those people who would like to transit their systems from traditional hard drives to more efficient SSD solutions.

Adata SP600 will be delivered in three volume capacities, — 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB – which will be developed in 2.5-inch form-factor. All models provide for the reduction of OS loading time and the increase of overall system speed, if compared with standard HDD performance. These SSDs ensure the data transfer speed at levels of 360 …

Platinum PSU Huntkey FX500SE Review

Nowadays more and more PSU manufacturers tend towards a better acoustic ergonomics of their products. Sure thing this is linked with the desire of customers to have high-performance but quiet systems. There is small wonder that traditional power supplies are rather noisy, due to air fans, so the manufacturers invented a sophisticated solution: hybrid cooling. It presupposes two working modes: active — with fans on and passive — with fans off. Huntkey is one of the companies that successfully implemented this invention into proprietary devices. Its FX500SE is a good example of efficiency combined with quiet operation. Plus, it provides users with appropriate connectivity facilities.

General Specifications

Huntkey FX500SE features a typical for all middle-end products design, without any ingenuity claim. The unit is housed in a steel case of 150x86x140 mm dimensions with matte black coating. All cables are masked under a nylon sheath, adding more solidity to the model. …
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