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Bekende apparaten:165022367

De laatst bekende stuurprogramma: 23.12.2020


Toshiba Prepares All-in-One PC LX835

Toshiba demonstrates its latest developments in computer and consumer electronics field within the framework of international electronics exhibition IFA 2012. Among others, the company announces the future release of all-in-one PC, codenamed LX835. According to the words of Toshiba representatives, price is the strongest point of this PC. At the same time, LX835 owns an amount of strong points in design, layout, and performance terms.

Toshiba LX835 features 23 inch widescreen and 1920x1080 resolution. The display boasts the support of Multi-touch technology. Moboblock PC is based on the latest Intel Core processor and operates under improved HD graphics. This product is equipped with 16 GB RAM and a hard drive of 3 TB volume capacity. LX835 employs four USB 2.0 and two USB 3.0 ports for the connection of different devices. In addition, there is as single HDMI input.

The user is able to add Blu-ray drive and TV-tuner to enhance the product's facilities. Model LX835 is …

Xeon Phi: Revolutionary Offer from Intel Developers

Intel Corporation has made a resolute step towards the improvement of performance demonstrated by ‘supercomputers’. Its new Intel Xeon Phi is called to create a real revolution in the IT world, offering unmatched performance showings on activities with the high parallelism degree. This is supposed to bring supercomputers to the new level by means of enlarging the performance levels from TFLOP to EXAFLOP. Upon the whole, Xeon Phi is the name which will be used for further line of products based on Intel MIC architecture.

Xeon Phi coprocessors are sure to enable the transmission of the reduced data via PCI slots and will primarily be applied to dedicated coprocessors. The sales start is designated to the end of the current year, and the first products presented in the market will be items which belong to Knights Corner series. According to the Intel developers’ words, Xeon Phi will firstly replenish the series of central processors Intel Xeon E5-2600/4600; further on, the …

PC Enclosure Cougar Evolution (Askot 6GR1) Review

PC enclosures developed by Cougar are not frequenters in the global market. Still, the company's line of products is replenishing with ever newer models that might compete for the market dominance with a lot more renowned suppliers. Its latest creation, Evolution (Askot 6GR1), was released with a dual brand: Cougar and Askot. In the majority of cases, Askot enclosures fill up the line of Cougar's products, but sometimes its cases single out as a separate brand. Casting aside all marketing issues, Cougar Evolution (Askot 6GR1) is a worthy representative of contemporary PC chassis segment that offers a bunch of typical and a few singular facilities to all potential customers.


Enclosure Askot 6GR1 features visually unpretentious design without any bright points or voluminous salient elements. Nevertheless, more intent inspection uncovers the whole beauty of this case: the availability of prominent ribs on the frontal panel, an unusual pattern of the frontal and top …

de globetrotter gi1505 - diagnostics interface Downloaden van Stuurprogramma ' s

globetrotter gi1505 - diagnostics interface voor Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8,

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Driver naam globetrotter gi1505 - diagnostics interface
Bestand naam
Maak Option
Type apparaat PORTS
Grootte 322 Kb
Driver versie
Driver Date 2009-06-03
Operativni sistem Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 x64
Upload 2011-08-06
Or click to install driver manually

Download gratis stuurprogramma voor globetrotter gi1505 - diagnostics interface Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 x64

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[-] Supported Devices

globetrotter ge40x OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_APL
globetrotter ge40x - application 2 interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_APP
globetrotter ge40x - control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_DBG
globetrotter ge40x - diagnostics interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_GPSC
globetrotter ge40x - gps control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_GPSD
globetrotter ge40x - gps data interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_MDM
globetrotter ge40x - modem interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_NET
globetrotter ge40x - network interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF44_SC
globetrotter ge40x - smart card interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_APL
globetrotter ge44x OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_APP
globetrotter ge44x - application 2 interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_DBG
globetrotter ge44x - control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_GPSC
globetrotter ge44x - diagnostics interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_GPSD
globetrotter ge44x - gps control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_MDM
globetrotter ge44x - gps data interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_NET
globetrotter ge44x - modem interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSF_SC
globetrotter ge44x - network interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_APL
globetrotter ge44x - smart card interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_APP
globetrotter gi0505 OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_DBG
globetrotter gi0505 - application 2 interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_DBG2
globetrotter gi0505 - control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_GPSC
globetrotter gi0505 - diagnostics interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_GPSD
globetrotter gi0505 - diagnostics interface 2 OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_MDM
globetrotter gi0505 - gps control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_NET
globetrotter gi0505 - gps data interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM501_SC
globetrotter gi0505 - modem interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_APL
globetrotter gi0505 - network interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_APP
globetrotter gi0505 - smart card interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_DBG
globetrotter gi0701 OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_GPSC
globetrotter gi0701 - application 2 interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_GPSD
globetrotter gi0701 - control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_MDM
globetrotter gi0701 - diagnostics interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_NET
globetrotter gi0701 - gps control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSM_SC
globetrotter gi0701 - gps data interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_APL
globetrotter gi0701 - modem interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_APP
globetrotter gi0701 - network interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_DBG
globetrotter gi0701 - smart card interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_GPSC
globetrotter gi1505 OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_GPSD
globetrotter gi1505 - application 2 interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_MDM
globetrotter gi1505 - control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_NET
globetrotter gi1505 - diagnostics interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV41_SC
globetrotter gi1505 - diagnostics interface 2 OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_APL
globetrotter gi1505 - gps control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_APP
globetrotter gi1505 - gps data interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_DBG
globetrotter gi1505 - modem interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_DBG2
globetrotter gi1505 - network interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_GPSC
globetrotter gi1505 - smart card interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_GPSD
globetrotter gi40x OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_MDM
globetrotter gi40x - application 2 interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_NET
globetrotter gi40x - control interface OPTIONBUS\GTHSV505M_1_SC