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Basic Innovations of MySQL 5.6 Version

MySQL system gained the reputation as the most efficient and speedy tool in managing databases long time ago. This system enables the creation and management of huge quantity of data which are supported by the multilevel and multipurpose charts. Oracle Company (the owner of MySQL) is making great strides in the development and improvement of new version of the system.

Several days ago Oracle introduced the new working MySQL 5.6 version of the system which is still in the development stage. No one dares to assume about the exact date of the final version release, but it’s definitely clear that Oracle will not delay the launch. The working version of MySQL 5.6 is replenished with the variety of new integrated options which make the system more effective and user-friendly.

Nowadays there are a lot of companies that employ MySQL as their core tool in creating and supporting of middle-size and large-size projects. Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter utilize the very system in their projects as the part of LAMP platform. The customer demand for MySQL tools is growing each day due to the processing speed and ease of management.

The innovations introduced in MySQL 5.6 version can be dwindled to the following options:

— the acceleration of processing of different requests types;
— the improvement of subquery option;
— the improvement of monitoring and error correction options in databases;
— the simplification of replication processes;
— the support of ‘by default’ parameter for DATETIME tab;
— the improvement of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA option.

In the end, it should be mentioned that the functional characteristics of the final MySQL version can be changed right after the first operational results are taken and customer feedback is considered. In addition, Oracle is intended to simplify the working mode for the users with various skills. At the same time, the company promises to ameliorate the system performance in several times.
  • 0
  • 17 May 2012, 15:44
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