Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


The ASUS ZenScreen MB16AC Novelty Resembles a Tablet, but Is a Fully-Featured Portable Monitor

The ASUS Co. engineers have spent more than half a year for testing the vendor’s specialty, and finally customers may expect ZenScreen MB16AC delivering launch.

A new ASUS ZenScreen resembles a 15.6” tablet, but is a portable monitor without OS and sensory input support. Like a tablet PC display, it has a foldable covering and an image rotation function. A hole in the framework is intended for a ZenScreen Pen, which can act as an optional monitor bearer. The device is pretty heavy (800 g) and has the following dimensions: 359.7 × 226.4 × 8.0 mm. It can be easily carried in narrow sections of a bag.

ASUS MB16AC features 1920x1080 pixels resolution, an IPS matrix, 220 cd/m² brightness, as well as 800:1 static contrast ratio. The ASUS flicker-free and ultra-low blue light technologies protect users’ eyes from harmful impact.

The specialty by ASUS is equipped with a hybrid USB Type-C port, which allows video/power transmission. Usually the display requires 8 W of …

The Just-launched QF140 PC Case Fans Have Been Presented by Cryorig

Welcome brand-new chassis fans from the Cryorig Company. The new series, called QF140, is represented by two 140 mm models – QF140 Silent and QF140 Performance.

The names are self-explanatory and suggest, that the difference between the two samples lies in the rotary speed and in the noise factor. The QF140 Silent fan rotates at the speed of 200–1,000 rpm and produces not more than 19.5 dBA of noise at the maximum 71.5 m³/hr air flow rate. The rotation velocity of QF140 Performance equals to 600–1850 rpm at the noise level of 38 dBA. Its productive capacity is 217 m³/hr.

Both Cryorig products weigh 159.3 g and have such identical dimensions: 140 х 140 х 25.4 mm. The fans feature eleven blades and for the most part are designed in black and white colours.

Each model goes for $15.

In Win Development Gives New Life to Its Extraordinary D-Frame Mini Chassis

The Taiwan In Win Development company decided to bring the D-Frame Mini chassis back to life. This case saw the world back in 2014 and today it is released in new appearance.


Comparing to the predecessor, the novelty is more reasonably priced and available in several colour variants, among which one may distinguish red, black, white, orange, green and blue. D-Frame Mini construction is left unchanged with the 501(length) x 230(width) x 405(height) mm dimensions and 5.25 kg weight. In its most part the specialty is produced out of aluminium and tempered glass.


The framework is ready to house a Mini-ITX motherboard, an ATX-compatible power supply, three 3.5” and two 2.5” drives, a two-slot graphics card of up to 340 mm length, a CPU cooler (165 mm high max) and a liquid cooling system heatsink of the 240 mm typical size. The I/O panel contains a couple of USB 3.0 ports and a pair of 3.5 mm audio jacks.

Infrared devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Infrared devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Infrared devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Infrared devices

It-teknoloġija IR (infra-aħmar, IR) konnessjonijiet huma maħsuba għall-installazzjoni stabbli bla fili konnessjoni bejn il-PC u t-tagħmir mgħammra IR-portijiet. Attwalment, din it-teknoloġija mhux popolari ħafna, minħabba li l-limiti tal-veloċità tat-trażmissjoni ta'informazzjoni u l-radju żgħir ta'azzjoni. Madankollu, is-segment tal-kompjuter u l-elettronika professjonali soluzzjonijiet sħiħa mal-infra-konnessjoni: printers, scanners, telefowns ċellulari, web Camera, sorveljanza bil-vidjo-tagħmir, eċċ.

IR-mezzi normalment huma mgħammra speċjali tal-port li jippermettilek li faċilment jgħaqqdu l-ieħor ppermettiet l-apparat. Min-naħa tagħhom, il-desktop/laptop jirrikjedi l-installazzjoni ta'dan il-port. Għall-konfigurazzjoni u stabbli-tħaddim, l-użu tas-sewwieq għat IR - mezzi.

Hemm tliet modi biex jgħaqqdu l-IR il-port tal-kompjuter: il-konnekter IrDA fuq l-għoli (pjuttost kkumplikata mill-punt tekniku) l-konnekter COM jew l-bus - USB (l-aħjar għażla).

Għandu jiġi nnutat li l-wavelength IR- port ma jistax jaqbeż 900 nm. Din il-figura tistabbilixxi limiti stretti fuq il-parti tal-ħidma tal-distanza bejn iż-żewġ infra-aħmar-apparat 1 metru. Inkella, it-teknoloġija se falter. Biex tiżgura l-konnessjoni stabbli huwa rakkomandat li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall IR - tagħmir, u neħħi l-oġġetti barranin bejn iż-żewġ portijiet.


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